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  1. smilezofpain

    Here We Grow.My First Journal.

    she's coming back to life:)yeah!!!!got a mineral water filter system(fresh water for my babies and my family to boot).walmart sells 46w 6500k clfs now for $10 plus the other grow a timer also,tired of waking up in the middle of the night!!!!!
  2. smilezofpain

    Here We Grow.My First Journal.

    First off:wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall::wall: Second:you read to much!!!!! Third:it's just a plant Forth:LEAVE IT ALONE. Fifth:WATER,go pick up some water or filter.then play with your ph,this time look at the colors with the card behind it...
  3. smilezofpain

    Here We Grow.My First Journal.

    P.S. if you have any tips.please,i don't mind at all.i'll be keeping this updated.
  4. smilezofpain

    Here We Grow.My First Journal.

    Forgot to add.I built this grow out of one of those closets you put together.Then i lined it with the the stuff i insulated my roof with(looks like aluminum but its insulation) and 2 fans.Put the closet cover on and temps stays between 70f and 84f.gets real dark back there so i don't have to...
  5. smilezofpain

    Here We Grow.My First Journal.

    Well,i'm in day 7 of my first grow.I got 7 bag seeds going,under 8 6500k clf's and 2 T5-6500.Planted in Fox Farm Light Warrior 3 gal(figured why transplant);-).Already made 2 mistakes i think.First,i've been on an 18/6 hour cycle and Second,i've used 1 gal mix of superthrive 4ml. and big bloom...
  6. smilezofpain

    lighting help needed.

    thank them germinating now.the lights are running about 28 dollars for 100w.had them in the buggy.
  7. smilezofpain

    lighting help needed.

    but i should go back and get 2 100w hps?
  8. smilezofpain

    lighting help needed.

    i was recently in lowes looking for lights and i stumbled across 50w,70w,100w,125w,175w,250w high pressure sodium(clear) and metal halide(clear).got my grow room completed.can't use anything over 125w(due to i already bought certain spec rated fixture).should i go back and pick up two 100w of...
  9. smilezofpain

    potting soil.

    thanks to all.i found a place that sells fox farm about an hour away.just got my lights,timer,ph tester,fan and pots week,road trip to pick up soil.:)got the closet white and cleaned.i hope to show some decent picks and not burned down plants.i must say this is an excellent site with...
  10. smilezofpain

    potting soil.

    i need to know what potting soil to start with for my seedlings.the choices of places to buy potting soil are limited.HD,lowes and walmart:),i know,not much of a choice is there.any ideas would be greatly appreciated.thanks.
  11. smilezofpain

    Welcome New Members!

    hello all.been reading and learning from you all for awhile.there are some question i will ask of course,so please be gentle.look forward to sharing and learning as much as i can.thanks.