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  1. LifetimeSmoker

    I Went Away And Al My Plants Died

    I went away for 12 days and i dont have a watering system. My ladies were fine and dandy when i got back home.. I just watered them as soon as I walked in the door and right before i left for the trip...........Noboby likes a quiter...
  2. LifetimeSmoker


    I've grown them, as everyone on here states they like lots of water and hot climates...
  3. LifetimeSmoker

    roor phx trinity
  4. LifetimeSmoker

    How Do You Smoke your Buds?

    I loved to hit my Green Label RooR with all 18.8 joints and ice notches it was about 18 inch tall. Until Christmas night when the Wife broke it.... So now I'm back to a old glass liquor bottle bong (bong vodka bottle), until March or so then I’m getting a German White Label Dealers Cup...
  5. LifetimeSmoker

    Chronic Candy

    The Chronic Candys is decent candy for the bud lover. Depending on what Flavors they have now it's all good. The blueberry one is great, but they replaced it with the Trainwreck. Also the one I liked was the Ganja, but they took that one and merged it with the OG Chronic. The Purple Kush used to...
  6. LifetimeSmoker

    Price of seeds...

    Yeah i know that but I'd like to get some now. I will be able to get better seeds later after I get some of the Christmas bills paid off. I just want something better than bagseed now.
  7. LifetimeSmoker

    Price of seeds...

    I can't seem to find anything under 20 bucks without shipping.
  8. LifetimeSmoker

    Price of seeds...

    Well due to the holiday season i'm broke but I want to get some decent seeds, i have about 20 bucks to spare. Are there any sites to get some decent indoor sativa or a good mix for that price with shipping? Links would be good.
  9. LifetimeSmoker

    New here but not to the lifrstyle...

    Been expanding my mind sice the good ole age of 11. I haven't smoked in about 6 to 7 m,onths as I'm looking for work. I some for about 70% medical reasons and the 30% cause I liek it....LoL Just wanted to say hey and see whats going on? I was a member of but their site damn near...