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  1. buddha113

    Chernobyl and Plush Berry

    awesome grow ape i was looking through your last grow journel and i was wondering if you ever posted your yeild from the blue mystic?
  2. buddha113

    Pineapple Express G13 Lab's Seed to Harvest

    just droping in to see if your still planning another journel scotty
  3. buddha113

    Pineapple Express G13 Lab's Seed to Harvest

    haha should have read more, he was talking about using digital ballasts with the cmh bulb, not using digital ballasts in general
  4. buddha113

    Pineapple Express G13 Lab's Seed to Harvest

    would love to see a sour cream grow, heard nothing but good things about it have you ever grown it before? oh btw do you remember how much you were able to yield from the blue mystic?
  5. buddha113

    Pineapple Express G13 Lab's Seed to Harvest

    awesome how is the blue mystic? i've read that it has a low smell profile that as true as they say?
  6. buddha113

    Pineapple Express G13 Lab's Seed to Harvest

    hey scotty was just wondering if you was gonna post a link in this journel to your newest one when you get the time to make it?
  7. buddha113

    Pineapple Express G13 Lab's Seed to Harvest

    haha yeah i meant 3' the dem of the cab 48Lx21Wx76H, will prob try to go with a 400w
  8. buddha113

    Pineapple Express G13 Lab's Seed to Harvest

    thanks for the fast reply serapis, i'm building my cab soon and should have around 3"-3.5" of room after the net, just wanted to kinda get an idea of what to expect thanks again
  9. buddha113

    Pineapple Express G13 Lab's Seed to Harvest

    quick question for scotty or serapis, on average after the plant hits the scrog netting how much taller do they get? (if you worked the scrog like scotty or serapis did) can't wait for the new journel scotty!
  10. buddha113

    White Widow Waterfarm. 1st Journal on the forums.

    hey jim earlier in this thread you said you may do another journal with RP sour kush, just wondering if you still had any plans on that? great grow btw, loved following this thread
  11. buddha113

    Nirvana Bubblelicious Waterfarm Scrog in a Secret Jardin Tent 600 Watts

    awesome man can't wait to hear the final weight i've been following along with this grow since the beginning i have to say this, scotty's and jim's grow have been the best journals i've followed looked forward everyday to seeing the progress hope you get the weight you wanted and gl with...
  12. buddha113

    Pineapple Express G13 Lab's Seed to Harvest

    NO DIGITAL BALLASTS - you will destroy the bulb. ONLY use a standard coil and core HPS ballast (dont let the name confuse you). CMH bulbs cannot handle the frequencies of digital ballasts. quote from hope this helps...
  13. buddha113

    Pineapple express+Kandy kush. Hydro

    awesome thanks for the fast reply reason i ask is that i'm planning a cab with a 400w and the venting is just gonna have to go in the room for now good idea on the portable ac
  14. buddha113

    Pineapple express+Kandy kush. Hydro

    awesome grow man, can't wait to see what kind of yeild you'll get quick question for you, are you just venting into your room? and if you are with the 400w how much heat does it put into the room? thanks
  15. buddha113

    Is Apartment Growing a Bad Idea ?? 1 - 3 plants

    So are you still thinking of venting into the room? of course the smaller the light the better, like if you were only using a 250w how much would this heat the room if the door remained open does anyone have exp with this?