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  1. Old Codger

    Full tilt med SCROG. blue w, mango cush, jack herrer. Ebb/flow, co2, botanicare

    Previously "yo Codger. In my research I read about the effects of calcium carbonate. Its not really a buffer (a buffer is something that prevents PH change) but anywho, when you add PH down to the rez, it breaks apart the Calcium carbonate and co2 and calcium are formed. The co2 off gasses from...
  2. Old Codger

    Full tilt med SCROG. blue w, mango cush, jack herrer. Ebb/flow, co2, botanicare

    I am 4 weeks into an 4x8 ebb&flow w/ 12 plants. In week 2 ladies began to show signs of MG, FE, and Zn deficiency i.e. yellowing leaves (shoots and new growth), unproductive, stalled growth. My well water was 150-180 ppm and loaded with Ca carbonate. Long story short -Ca buffers the ph up and...