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  1. B

    What is wrong with the color of my baby :(

    So I'm growing my babies 3 weeks now and the growing has been kind of slow. Now I notice that the color of my babies is getting really wierd I don't know how to describe it (pics bootom) I'm growing with 250 HPS 14 inches from tops and using a light mix with small amount of nutes in them...
  2. B

    Seedling problem again - base of new leaves crumble

    So I'm having problems with my seedlings again. It seems that the base of the new leaves is starting to crumble and new leafage are just curling all around. Using tap water that sat open for 3 days and PH'd to around 6-7 with GHE down. Could have overwatered but is this a common symphtome for...
  3. B

    Slow Growth

    What is the size of the pots you put them in? What is the temp outside? If they're in small pots it is very possible that the pots were getting really hot due to high temps outside and direct sunlight and hot roots = slow growth.
  4. B

    Seedling growing really slow - 2 weeks

    Hey everyone. So I planted my seedling 2 weeks ago and had some trouble with heat at the begining but I fixed it. Now I'm using 45W CFL until my seedlings grow bigger but it seems they refuse to grow. Water PH @ 6.5. Not overwatering. No fertilizer. There seems to be some yellowing on the older...
  5. B

    First grow, having problems with germination

    Just plant them in your medium and keep it warm and moist. If you leave it in the cup for more time the seed will rot and it will be useless.
  6. B

    First grow, having problems with germination

    The seed wouldn't sprout in the cup. it needs oxygen. The cup method is good for getting the seed to absorb 100% water in it and then you have to plant it in your mediem in order for it to sprout.
  7. B

    Problems with seedling - acting really wierd

    So I added a 45W CFL and turned the HPS off for now. So now I have 2 CFL's 45W + 32W. Seedlings still seem kind of wierd although really slow growth has started to occur. I added some pictrues to explain the situation. you can see the color of the main leaves is yellowish, and the old one's +...
  8. B

    Problems with seedling - acting really wierd

    You mean the hps is heating the root system too much? maybe I can just move it away then? on what size should they be when I transplant them?
  9. B

    Problems with seedling - acting really wierd

    Hi everyone, first grow here. So I germinated my seeds (unkown strain prolly sativa) exactly a week ago and planted them in my soil (Biobizz light mix). they all sprouted pretty quickly, after about 2 days or so but now it seems like it has stopped growing for some reason. In addition to the...