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  1. C

    cut down the plant: smells like leaves/grass

    thanks guys. appreciate the help :thumbup:
  2. C

    cut down the plant: smells like leaves/grass

    Thanks very much for the advice. That is closed jars? Appreciate it
  3. C

    cut down the plant: smells like leaves/grass

    they are already trimmed.
  4. C

    cut down the plant: smells like leaves/grass

    Anyone got any advice?
  5. C

    cut down the plant: smells like leaves/grass

    I cut down my plant 2 days ago. The buds have been drying in a cool dark area looking and smelling fine. Just starting today they began to smell like leaves/cut grass. Any suggestions on how to revive the buds or correct this problem? Thanks
  6. C

    Parts of buds turning black?

    thank you very much for your help. i got rid of alot of the buds that have turned black already, i hope it does not spread. the plant is only about a foot or so tall. so i hope not too much is going to have to be lost. The humidity has dropped a bit also. hopefully thats all for that.
  7. C

    Parts of buds turning black?

    This is an outdoor grow. unfortunatley my area is pretty humid, even in this part of the season. There is a pretty nice breeze all the time which i figured would prevent this. Are the worms what are causing the buds to rot or is the humidty?
  8. C

    Parts of buds turning black?

    I actually discoverd 2 tiny tiny worm looking things in some of the buds i was plucking off. Is that the cause of the buds rotting? how can i prevent these insects from getting in there? any help appreciated. thanks
  9. C

    Parts of buds turning black?

    damn okay, was hoping it didnt have to come to that. Is it likely it will spread otherwise?
  10. C

    Parts of buds turning black?

    Anybody else have any suggestions? Help is appreciated. Thankyou:-o
  11. C

    Parts of buds turning black?

    Thanks you. Is it best to pluck off the black parts or just cut the whole bud cluster off the branch? and any idea what caused this?
  12. C

    Parts of buds turning black?

    Hello. This is my first time growing and i actually just kind of winged it. This plant was grown completely outdoors and almost 100% all natural. I started around june, and now it is currently budding. The buds are still kind of small, and only a few of the hairs have turned red so far. A few...