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  1. stevetop

    Aussie Growers Thread

    So the teenager are board tonight I have better things to do than waste my time with piss ants so fuck up and find something else to waste your life with you sycophantic fuck
  2. stevetop

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Anyway moving on im not going to argue with people if you don't agree that's fine My way has worked well for many years and im happy with it If there is anything that is wrong in my post point it out politely i may have miss typed or explained it badly Anyway moving on
  3. stevetop

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Funny i never mentioned tin foil or growing at super low food levels but that's ok you just dribble on If you cant read or just make it up as you go along please dont answer my posts
  4. stevetop

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I get buds like my arm out my closet
  5. stevetop

    Aussie Growers Thread

    So i had a good look around this site today Let me just say there a lot of people that are pretty much wasting a lot time and effort by reading false information on the net You have people putting all kinds of crap in their systems to solve problems that were caused by themselves by doing...
  6. stevetop

    Aussie Growers Thread

    So from what i have read its just 6 volt power supply like for a train set or something My only question would be where do you get silver wire from If its that easy i might have to give it ago i don't know how ill go trying not to drink it but it should be ok:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P:-P From what it...
  7. stevetop

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Have you checked out Colloidal Silver with Google Do a search then click on images i think ill pass on making it myself i dont like blue that much Why on gods earth would you drink this stuff i thought smack heads where stupid that takes the cake for sure
  8. stevetop

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Anyone ever heard of this stuff CL-ONE Sex Reversing Agent It would solve my seed dramas if it does all i would need is a decent plant so star with
  9. stevetop

    Aussie Growers Thread

    They used to really bad but changed to a new type of sprinkler and a better filter in the pump and now dont have any troubles i also use a mesh in the top tank that stops root matter falling and growing through theirs not much but enough to block a sprinkler...
  10. stevetop

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I found this on the lounge room floor after my last pull I don't know if it going to look right but you can tell just by this little bud that its very healthy
  11. stevetop

    Aussie Growers Thread

    I use a home made aeroponics system Only fits one plant in a closet most people don't believe how much i get and how quick it grows but once they see it in action they soon become believers From a space 150 x 75 i usually pull about 10-12 ounces The only thing i do is fill the water up...
  12. stevetop

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Thats fine if they just keep them i couldnt care less i just dont want the man coming and kicking in the front door :-P
  13. stevetop

    Aussie Growers Thread

    So my next pretty obvious question What happens if they get spotted on the way through customs
  14. stevetop

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Ok i have my first question I got a few seeds of a mate but they don't pop very well Painfully slow My last lot of seeds took about 12 hours to split and another 36-48 hours and they were ready to plant It normally takes about 2 weeks to get about 50 cm tall This lot is 2 weeks old and hasn't...
  15. stevetop

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Thanks for the welcome Cant really think of a question yet might just help answer a few first
  16. stevetop

    Aussie Growers Thread

    So i had better take the time to hello to everyone Just found this web site i had been looking at other Forums but none had any Aus threads its good to see im not alone
  17. stevetop

    Aussie Growers Thread

    Got over 50 here last year with no dramas As you said as long as the dirt is damp alls good :-P