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  1. robjones1

    Dyna Grow Nutes

    Just came back from 2 hydro stores and they did not carry the dyna gro or bloom, they did however have the pro-tekt and the neem oil, I let them know that the same company that makes those two great products also make dyna gro bloom and grow and they may carry the stuff soon next order.
  2. robjones1

    My Nutrient Set-up

    If you cannot find it around, get it from the internet, yes you have to pay shipping on heavy packages like nutes, however the price should be rock bottom low as compared buying it in a hydro store (which you don't have around you), so it equals itself out price-wise. Dyna-gro may be found at...
  3. robjones1

    My Nutrient Set-up

    Homebrewer: I like that many growers now are looking past the garbage marketing, senseless hype and false claims that some are putting onto their products. I really just want a simple nutrient schedule that costs reasonable, gives our babies what the they want and need to achieve their full...
  4. robjones1

    Dyna Grow Nutes

    Homebrewer: You're kinda sellin me on Dyna gro! Im using GH lucas right now because im noob and money is tight (1st grow) but dyna gro (after reading your thread) seems to be kick ass and priced the cheapest around right now. The concentration is great since I'm using 40 gal rez's (x2) for two...
  5. robjones1

    H&G Nutes Recipe Help..

    thanks for the info. Maybe with the aeroflo run with drip clean so salts don't have a chance to stick and gum things up. I think the H&G is clean stuff so maybe not needed...
  6. robjones1

    H&G Nutes Recipe Help..

    Yes theres something to be said about running the full line of their nutes, they seem to really be well researched and the nutes combine to form a complete system it seems. When you say complete does that include the algen, magic green (foliar), bud xl and top boost? Also any changes from...
  7. robjones1

    H&G Nutes Recipe Help..

    Thanks for the input. I have only worked with lucas formula thus far, GH micro and bloom, cal mag, epsom salts and got some MOAB in there so far. I like your simplicity of Aqua AB, Cal MAg and Bud Xl recipe to start with. I just want the plants to achieve everything they can (kinda like children...
  8. robjones1

    purging 50% of res at chage times ???

    Are you running organic nutes? I would say this is a good idea you have and Ive thought of it myself too, however a 50% may be overkill. The idea for the rez changeout is to dump all of the unknown that have built up in there with all of the top offs, adjustments, leeching, feeding and evap...
  9. robjones1

    Dyna Grow Nutes

    I don't kow lol! I just know that in my life if I knew then what i know now, it would make it a whole lot easier! I notice you do not use (maybe you do?) root accels or root protectors, things like that..I'm thinking of the hormux, root excelurator, hydroplex (vits and aminos)... But you do like...
  10. robjones1

    Dyna Grow Nutes

    Homebrewer: great thread on Dyna nutes, i read the entire thread after Ltdan gave me the link. Your documentation and knowledge is simply amazing. I am starting out and have a flood/drain system going with Lucas.. Any tips? Also, any plans on doing another nute lineup grudge match. There are so...
  11. robjones1

    Dyna Grow Nutes

    Thats not a bad ppm for tap, it is basically your option to get the ro and drop the ppm to 0. My ppm was 750 one week, tested recently and it was 550. I'm close to the treatment plant so that prolly makes a difference. I think anything under 250 ppm (@0.7 conversion) is decent for tap...
  12. robjones1

    Dyna Grow Nutes

    Nice setup and gear! Are you planning on RO water? I just got mine from purewaterclub 100 GPD Ro unit and all the fittings. I then got a 55gal blue plastic drum rez used (had foodstuffs in it), cleaned it out and using for my rez for the RO on a floatvalve. The system was so easy to setup...
  13. robjones1

    The Best Deals Thread - Updated Version

    Uniseals: Not sure if all know about these nifty creatures, ther amazing for bulkheads, its whats used on GH aeroflo's I believe for the overflow adjustable pipe. They self adjust and forgive for angle in reservoirs, movement etc and provide a tight leak free seal! Bulkheads and such are a pain...
  14. robjones1

    Dyna Grow Nutes

    Hows that working out with your grows? Are you using the bloom, grow and protekt? Be interested in your recipe you use. I am doing ebbflow now, but wanted to switch to a DIY aeroflo, wondering if it would work in that system or clog it all the hell up...?
  15. robjones1

    H&G Nutes Recipe Help..

    Yea I don't think so either after researching it some more... It is not an easy thing to tell syns from organics, its a pain int he ass lol. Also, I not that set on organics from what I've been reading, synthetics seem to be just as good if not better an less hassle, don't affect the taste...
  16. robjones1

    Dyna Grow Nutes

    Thanks for the link LtDan for giving me that link, was really helpful. That thread was amazing. It seems dynagro competes well with GH nutes and is about half the price. Dynagro is really concentrated form and stretches a long way. I would also supplement the line of nutes with florabloom and...
  17. robjones1

    Is this a good EBB & FLOW system?

    Yea I am using 2 blocks laying on ther sides on ontop each other, for height of 16", so my rez is about that, add the lid, 13" or so. I then add a couple 1x2's to run the length of the tray bottom for added support. so i have 4" gap to tray bottom. this is nice and low enough for me and adds...
  18. robjones1

    Dyna Grow Nutes

    Wow thats an awesome thread !! thanks for the link and now gonna read all of that thread (all 26 pages)! My GH lucas ya know I can't say anything bad about it, everything looks good for my VERY FIRST GROW! Actually it looks phenomenal, 4 weeks in and the bud formation is gettin fat, buds...
  19. robjones1

    Dyna Grow Nutes

    Thanks for the reply on this, I'm tryin to find out more about it myself...
  20. robjones1

    Is this all I need for EBB & FLOW?

    I have a 196 gph pump for my 4x4 and it takes about 6min to flood, another 8-10 to drain, so I am looking at a roughly 15min cycle. My setup for flood tubing is setup so that I can turn a cutoff valve to the tray to drain the res for changeouts, so I have a T inline to the tray, this slows...