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  1. patXandXjakesXpot

    Could slavery make america great again?

    everyone go watch the zeitgeist movies. n get stoned while ya do it
  2. patXandXjakesXpot

    Could slavery make america great again?

    if you go to a store and buy a pack of papers, gum, soda, water, beer, chips, candy ect... youve paid taxes
  3. patXandXjakesXpot

    First Grow Ever! 12/12 flowering,

    you don't have to take any advice from us. we've been growing for 4 years as a team and we have found that when 3/4 the pistils turn color its the best time to chop we've let all the pistils turned a couple times and we got horrible results we were just giving our opinion
  4. patXandXjakesXpot

    First Grow Ever! 12/12 flowering,

    it shouldn't be to long until you have to chop it wont really grow much more or at all. all of its energy is going to making you nice buds ;D basic and cheap is the way to go lol these are our plants 19 days old but we have the most basic set up...
  5. patXandXjakesXpot

    First Grow Ever! 12/12 flowering,

    when 3/4 of the pistils "white hairs" turn red (amber, brow,...ect) cut dry and cure it. looks like you still got some time on your hands. we found that if you increase the amount of CO2 intake the more thc the plant will make
  6. patXandXjakesXpot

    How do i tell if its a male or female plant?

    it seems you have your plant WAY to far from the light source you wont be able to tell if its a male or female until you put it on 12 12 once in flowering you should see pistils like in this picture
  7. patXandXjakesXpot

    Stay away from Attitude Seeds

    if we were to buy seeds from there right this second how exactly would they ship it and would the seeds blow or bloom? J
  8. patXandXjakesXpot

    Could slavery make america great again?

    we all pay taxes don't we? unconstitutional taxes. we're all slaves to this government and all the oil executives that run it. think about it people. and we'll all continue to be slaves unless we do something about it.
  9. patXandXjakesXpot

    I would love too see a Pic of a girl who made it thrue an overnight snow.....

    sorry nothing that drastic happened to ours it was just a lite frost. i woke up at about 8am. saw some ice/snow on it. got off work at 3 for lunch and the snow was melted and the plant was fine. although that seeing a plant as if it was christmas day would be an amazing sight. we have 10 plants...
  10. patXandXjakesXpot

    PLZ Help ASAP

    are you in a dorm or an apartment? do you have roommates? if you have roommates who know about your crop ask them to make sure nothing bad happens. the odds of something bad happening while you're gone are low. BUT the odds are still there you know. so in reality its a 50 50 chance nothing bad...
  11. patXandXjakesXpot

    I would love too see a Pic of a girl who made it thrue an overnight snow..... this pic was taken 5 days after a frost. they made it through just fine. granted it didn't snow again after until 3 weeks after harvest
  12. patXandXjakesXpot

    Noobed with h202 and fox farm nutes

    flush your plants with distilled water for 2 days. after 2 days add nutes as directed with no other additives and your plants should be healthy and have a good yield
  13. patXandXjakesXpot

    PLZ Help ASAP

    best advice we can give is go to your store and buy a electrical timer. set it for 18 hours light 6 hours dark. it will have no negative effect on the plants. and will reduce the fire hazard and will be safe to leave alone for 2 days we leave ours unattended for days on end. just make sure your...
  14. patXandXjakesXpot

    DMT Anyone?

    how the hell do you extract that, and from what?