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  1. Factoryblack212

    Plant problem i have never seen. Help!

    And this photo, this is the burn i was talkin about. Thoughts?
  2. Factoryblack212

    Plant problem i have never seen. Help!

    Ill post some more pics tonight. Maybe that can help
  3. Factoryblack212

    Plant problem i have never seen. Help!

    Yea thats odd because i have everything dialed in as far as enviornment. Anybody have any possible nute ideas? Deffiicient.. Toxicity? Ppms arent that high at only 600 goin in. Last watering only contained azos by xtreme gardening, cal mag and sweet. Ph to 6.5 using the drops to check ph cause i...
  4. Factoryblack212

    Plant problem i have never seen. Help!

    They are 2 and 1/2 feet away and the controller hangs right next to plants so as soon as it gets 76 degrees my mini split kicks on. Nutes have been pretty low. Maybe just water for now?
  5. Factoryblack212

    Plant problem i have never seen. Help!

    Look at the end of the leaf at the edges. Theres a uniformed yellowing on the leaves. This is the beginning stage at which the leaf will become consumed with it, become brittle and die off. Has anyone seen this or know the cause. A little about my setup: sealed room day temp 78 at plants...
  6. Factoryblack212

    Ender's 4,000w Hydro 12-site (6x White Russian, 5x G13xHaze, 1x PurpleWreck) + CO2!

    Sorry i dont have any scientific proof/evidence but im sure its out there on co2. To my understanding you should keep your room completely sealed at all times. Im running a 11x9x8 sealed room with tank co2. I have my co2 controller set at 1200-1500 ppm and i have it turn off an hour before...
  7. Factoryblack212

    Titan Helios 11. Help with wiring

    Hey thanks alot! I figured it out.. Took out the 12 gauge wire he spliced with. Put the 10 gauge wire through those little red loop connectors and got some pliers to crush them on the wire. Then i did exactly wat u said, unscrewed both 120v spots and put the screws through each look and fastened...
  8. Factoryblack212

    Titan Helios 11. Help with wiring

    Hey guys. So i had my electrician come out and wire everthing up for me. I plug my 3 240v ballasts in and they run great, but when i unplug my trigger 120v cord, the lights stay on. So i take the cover off the helios 11 and it looks like he bypasses the trigger part and installed the two hot...
  9. Factoryblack212

    Stelthy's 600W Hps Project! (New-Cab)

    Is there enough room for the actual plants!? Ahah thats the best DIY grow box/cabinet i have ever seen! Very detailed, no limitations. Good stuff my friend
  10. Factoryblack212

    Droopy Clones After Transplant

    the droopyness is starting to go away, added some epsom salt to my water/nutes. now im thinking i might not b watering them enough.. so every other day is my new routine also.. the girls are only 2 1/2 weeks old (clones) and they are already showing gender signs.. is that normal? im getting...
  11. Factoryblack212

    Droopy Clones After Transplant

    Thanks alot guys. So one plant is starting to flatten out leaves, but its starting to get dark green on inside and lighter green on outside, i need to do my research n see wat nuts need to be given Also on one of my plants the new leaves are pretty light green.. Is that normal on new leaves...
  12. Factoryblack212

    Droopy Clones After Transplant

    I have the dutch master grow and silica using for vegg, is that good nutes? I have good venilation and temps stay around 75.. The drooping is really buggin me. First time grow. Any/all inputs are appreciated. Thanks
  13. Factoryblack212

    Droopy Clones After Transplant

    nevermind, not first one but second one one is where they were just planted
  14. Factoryblack212

    Droopy Clones After Transplant

    I got 4 clones for a CC about a week ago and they were in rockwool cubes and i put them in soil (half Organic Miracle Grow and half potting soil) I've now realized i should have went with better soil like fox farms or something. so i did a flush today... anyways, my plants looked excellent...