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  1. D

    Mitt Romney could be going to Jail for 3 years

    Illegal as it should be. Turkey sub? You're in Wisconsin, moron. You better be handing out cheddar beer brats with a side of fried cheese curds. Turkey subs. LOL. Next he'll try the tree height and grey skies bit.
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    Do you have the Balls?

    I'd knock on his door and say hi. Feel him out. See if he is a a holier than thou type or what. If you feel like you need an excuse to walk over, just tell him you have dogs that will occasionally bark if somebody knocks on the door, and that you don't want to rent a place where you would be...
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    Homeland Security Says It Has Every Right To Spy On Peaceful Protest Groups

    They are welcome to walk around and listen in on as many public conversations as they want. Are they talking about wiretapping?
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    High-pressure (aka "true") aeroponics - nutrient schedule?

    Hey Bob, where do you get your solenoids?
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    Zeitgeist movies.. A new revolution or new Evolution?

    I think there is truth in them, but the "extra leap" they always seem to take into tinfoil hat zone turns me off. It's a shame because I think they are well made. They present an alternative theory... but then they assume the theory to be true and extrapolate so far that I just shake my head...
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    I enjoy talking to myself.

    I enjoy talking to myself.
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    High-pressure (aka "true") aeroponics - nutrient schedule?

    Well, there's flow under 90 because, as atomizer pointed out, ADVs always close at a pressure less than their opening pressure. They open at 90 and close at something below that, probably 60-70 psi. I couldn't find any exact numbers on the closing pressure, but I do remember reading somewhere...
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    High-pressure (aka "true") aeroponics - nutrient schedule?

    Correction: the cheapest I've seen the 4023 nozzles is $7 here. Might be worth looking at if you add a few more nozzles to make up for the low flow of .75 GPH@160psi. I was considering them myself, but I wasn't running enough pressure for the ADV. It opens at 90psi. They disassemble for...
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    High-pressure (aka "true") aeroponics - nutrient schedule?

    I would guess the ADV would work a little better for an instant cut-off. The valve is right at the nozzle intake. When I was testing my nozzles, the nozzle was right after the solenoid and I still got a drip or two out of it upon closing. The ADV would put a bit less wear and tear on the...
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    High-pressure (aka "true") aeroponics - nutrient schedule?

    I'm going to be using B-50 nozzles from hago, which are for oil heater atomizing. I found some independent research done that made me very skeptical about nozzle claims by manufacturers. It's a long read, but check out the charts starting on page 34 if nothing else. The droplet size can vary...
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    Wisconsin Revolt

    Haha, I wish it were true. You get what I'm saying though, right? Party A doesn't like legislation proposed by party B, so party A collectively votes it down unless concessions are made... sound familiar? It can't be though... because "I really don't think that collective bargaining has any...
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    Wisconsin Revolt

    Isn't constantly voting along party lines a form of collective bargaining in itself?
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    Hydrogen Peroxide to Counter High Res Temps?

    Depends on your humidity. If your humidity is already high, then not much water will evaporate into the air to cool it. At some point, yes, no amount of bubblers will increase the dissolved oxygen. Do you have access to somewhere with cooler air? A basement or crawl-space? Mini-refrigerator? If...
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    Hydrogen Peroxide to Counter High Res Temps?

    I think you should try to find a way of lowering the res temp. Like you said, the water can only hold so much oxygen at that temperature. If you want to maximize the oxygen and not change the temperature, I think you'd be better off adding bubblers than adding peroxide every day. If a chiller...
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    Can an ultrasonic fogger be set to a lower frequency to increase droplet size?

    It can't be done because a piezoelectric element for a fogger electromechanically resonates at too high a frequency. If you took a small element that resonates at > 1 MHz and fed it even a 100 KHz signal (which is probably still too high for aero), it wouldn't vibrate with enough amplitude to do...
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    Real world Hi-Pressure Aeroponics Grab a snack, it's a long read :) To throw a wrench into the calculations, one can mist much less during the night cycle.
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    Bypass vs Demand Pump

    Glad to hear they'll pull through. Don't feel too bad... you're still luckier than me. I finished my large chamber a few days too late. The plants I had waiting in rubbermaid containers got too big and the roots rotted 2 days before I finished :( God it pisses me off. One plant was beyond hope...
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    Real world Hi-Pressure Aeroponics

    Sometimes that saddens me... microcontrollers running a simple program are actually cheaper than a dedicated digital circuit nowadays, even for things as simple as a recycling timer. I enjoy logic circuit design, but it seems so pointless now. What are you using? It's been a while and things are...
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    tumble dryer for c02??

    An electric dryer certainly wouldn't create any co2 (maybe at the power plant), but a gas dryer will. I don't know about modern dryers, but old ones have a nozzle that blasts a flame into a vent that leads into the tumbler and then out the other side to the exhaust. I've had to replace the...
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    How do you PH?

    I use sulfuric acid. Bought 6 quarts at an auto parts store for $15, which is pretty much a lifetime supply for me. I'm too lazy to dilute it, so I keep a small glass jar with glass eye dropper on the shelf. My well water starts at 8-8.5 PH, takes probably 7 ml or so to bring 5 gallons to a PH...