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  1. S

    First time grower in need of your help. (pic)

    Time for another update. I decided to take a cutting a few days ago and all seems well so far i think, im not sure if it has rooted yet but its still looking pretty good. Its still standing and not looking dried out or starting to yellow. Im still unsure if the main plant is female untill i...
  2. S

    First time grower in need of your help. (pic)

    Hey Bublonichronic thanks heaps for that video. that made it all that much clearer, probably a hell of a alot more than someone trying to explain it. Thanks. Im going to repot it again tomorrow and hope to find some better soil. Should i top it straight after i repot or is that going to...
  3. S

    First time grower in need of your help. (pic)

    Im not to sure if you are able to explain what topping is and how its done? its probably alot for you to have to type out so if you are in no mood or dont have the time i understand. I know its something todo with cutting the top off the plant, but unsure on how and how far down. this plant...
  4. S

    First time grower in need of your help. (pic)

    Im back! Well its been close to a week since i last posted and asked questions so here i go again. here is a few more pics i have taken a few mins ago. I plan on looking for some better soil this weekend and repotting her into a larger pot. I have a few more questions i hope you dont...
  5. S

    First time grower in need of your help. (pic)

    is it safe to spray while the light is on? or will that cause it to burn the leaves?
  6. S

    First time grower in need of your help. (pic)

    Hey Guys and Girls. well things seemed to be going well for the last week untill yesterday i noticed its started to wilt pretty bad. im guessign it has something todo with the heat or watering. The temps sit between 77-88 which i thought was within a good enough range. the plant is getting...
  7. S

    First time grower in need of your help. (pic)

    Thanks guys, I havnt started flowering yet. It looks a little small to start flowering dont you think? The main stem is also turning purple.
  8. S

    First time grower in need of your help. (pic)

    Ok im back again. The PH meter finally showed up, the only problem is that its not digital so trying to get a perfect reading is a little hard. I decided to test the soil a few mins after i watered it and got a PH reading of between 6.5-7 going by the little analouge dial thing. So from what...
  9. S

    First time grower in need of your help. (pic)

    Well still waiting for the Soil Ph meter to show up. but i thought i would post a pic of where this baby is growing. would you say there is enough light? should it be moved closer to the light? as you can see there isnt much room lol. but i hope there is enough light for one plant (bulb is a...
  10. S

    First time grower in need of your help. (pic)

    So much help here its great. I will keep you guys posted over the next three or so days once i start with the fert and get hold of the soil PH meter. ill try get hold of some Ph water tabs to. Thank you again.
  11. S

    First time grower in need of your help. (pic)

    Thank you Mother's Finest you have been great help from day 1 +rep. so going by the new pics you think the yellowing leaves has something todo with the nutrients? possibly to high or low. I went out and purchased some liquid food this morning which has a rating of 10.3.7 im not to sure if...
  12. S

    First time grower in need of your help. (pic)

    at the moment its just tap water sitting in room temp for about 24 hours before watering. you mention flushing. can you explain that abit more? sorry for noob question.
  13. S

    First time grower in need of your help. (pic)

    Ok here is an update on whats happened. I decided to repot about three days ago into a slightly lager pot with some new soil. the soil doesnt look the greatest but has to be better than what it was planted in before. I have ordered a soil PH meter and expect that to show up in the next 2-3...
  14. S

    First time grower in need of your help. (pic)

    I have a few small holes in the bottom of the cup, maybe not enough or big enough. Thanks for all your help. Do you think i should repot it now? or should i wait for it to dry up abit. and tips on repotting?
  15. S

    First time grower in need of your help. (pic)

    Hi guys and girls, first i would like to say what a great place this site is. So much help from all of you have made this a great read. I have just started to grow my first ever plant and in the past couple of days i have come into a small issue with it. its started to droop abit and not...