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  1. Klowdz

    Sulfur vaporizer info, questions

    Ive been dealing with PM for too long now and have been looking into some sort of small sulfur burner. the problem is, I grow indoor in a 3x2ft cabinet. would a sulfur burner be practical?
  2. Klowdz

    Flavour Curing By Chow

    so has there been any success so far??
  3. Klowdz

    Botrytis Buds into Bubble Hash?

    i mean, do you just chop it and throw it into freezer bags and freeze it for a week? because i still have to wait for my hashbags to arrive in the mail.
  4. Klowdz

    Anyone have any info on Heavy 16 nutes???

    so how has it gone for you so far?
  5. Klowdz

    Amazon Bloom Soil?

    lol like anyone would listen to you.. dont go on youtube everyone, he makes his comments private for a reason. PM me for more info..
  6. Klowdz

    200watt - cfl - pakistan ryder - afghan kush ryder

    i have a small 2 foot tall box i use to grow autoflowering dwarfs, i bought the afghan kush ryder seeds and after reading this looks like im either fucked or im going to have to force some poor plants to probably produce like..a quarter oz.
  7. Klowdz


    wooow i almost bought one of their systems, thank god i didnt..and thank god their website is BS.