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  1. S

    An Idiot's Guide to Hempy

    For your way to grow with the two cups for sprouts, the other cup is just to catch run off / act as a small rez? Should I empty the outer cup once their water in there or how how should i let the water get in there? Sorry for being such a newb. Also, the rockwool works great for sprouting and...
  2. S

    An Idiot's Guide to Hempy

    Ok guys. I am on my second hempy grow (well second grow ever) after the first one took a dump. The first one was 2 months old and never got past looking like a sprout with tons of very small leaves on it. I had 2 times where my php is off which turned leaves brown and black. Some questions: 1...
  3. S

    Sprout not doing well?

    How much is "light". like 1 tbsp to a pint/quart/gallon?
  4. S

    Sprout not doing well?

    Ok, thanks! note taken. Will start watering only every 2-3 days and I'll let you know what happens.
  5. S

    Sprout not doing well?

    Another note, I already have algae starting to grow near the top of the perlite where I normally feed the plant with nutes.
  6. S

    Sprout not doing well?

    Hey everyone this is my first grow, I am not quite sure what's happening to my plant like everybody else around here. Pics are below. Here are my specs: Type of grow: Hempy Bucket w/ perlite Strain: bagseed / unknown Heat directly where sprout is: 77.8F Lighting: 80watt 6.5k CFL on 18/6 and...
  7. S

    Growing and seedling doesn't appear to be doing too well.

    Define no stress. Not sure what I did wrong so i am not sure how to fix it the second time.
  8. S

    Growing and seedling doesn't appear to be doing too well.

    Well, bought a 85 watt 6500k online, will take about a week or so to get here :-/ Hope my seedling will survive until then with the 5k.
  9. S

    Growing and seedling doesn't appear to be doing too well.

    When I planted it the tap root on the bottom was peaking out a little bit. That constitute growing out or ?
  10. S

    Growing and seedling doesn't appear to be doing too well.

    Ok, sounds good I will try to order some of those tonight. My rig and the space I have isn't the best. Trying to find another solution which should hopefully include some reflectors. But is my watering intervals good and so forth?
  11. S

    Growing and seedling doesn't appear to be doing too well.

    Hey everyone. This is my first grow and this seems to be taking forever to grow (on my second week now) and seems to be showing a lot of weakness. Anyway. Here is my setup and so forth and what I have been doing: 1. Hempy Setup w/ 100% perlite in a 18 gallon bucket (plan on growing up to 6 in...
  12. S

    An Idiot's Guide to Hempy

    I also ask why PH does not play a role in this. And also, besides Epsom, is there anything else that is recommended as far as nuits go for this setup?