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  1. P

    My first grow

    thanks K21701 . But still , seems it takes to long to finish... almost 20 weeks into flowering.. ohh.. to much.. and I think is because I didn't put nutrients for bloom..but what can you do... next time I will know.. pace and love for everybody.
  2. P

    My first grow

    Some more pics... Is anyone here?
  3. P

    My first grow

    oh ... another thing... I think is some kind of Haze...
  4. P

    My first grow

    Those are some pictures of the buds.. and is still in the early stage.. I am happy... and learn'd something important... bigger the pot, better the yield... good luck guys... I'll come back with the results...
  5. P

    My first grow

    I took the first clone... there are some pictures..they look small but I belive they gonna grow nicely... I gonna put some more pictures with the buds soon.. :D
  6. P

    My first grow

    I finally found out the sex. one of them was a male...had beeen smoking that male and got high...lool amazing.. The rest.. , three of them are females.. and one of them is growing got more than 1 m and showing preflowers everywhere. is a little problem do.. bloody spidermites... such a...
  7. P

    My first grow

    around 6 weeks.and the big one im afraid its showing balls,but not sure yet.still hopping for the baby girl..
  8. P

    My first grow

    Hei.been a litle busy latley so didnt have time to post new i chenged the pots from the litle girls, and found out that they were rootbounded.changed them in a big pot now.the big one started to preflower but cant exactly tell what it is.tomorrow or the day after tomorrow hopefully it...
  9. P

    My first grow

    looks like an adventure :D
  10. P

    My first grow

    Im so sorry to hear that.did they present any sign of illness or somethin?hope wasnt your single one..
  11. P

    My first grow

    so some preflowers have appeard,but not yet fully developed.maybe today ill make the diffrence.hope to be good news.
  12. P

    My first ever grow, Learning the ropes.

    What ScrewstonTex said from a to z. :D
  13. P

    My first grow

    ill try to keep it moist,but now wet.the rest is ok?i mean how it lookin from a big perspective.the setup and everything.any suggestions ar verry verry welcome. :D
  14. P

    My first grow

    ok,so sorry about the last post,im just irritated about the,first of the ph is measured by some ph sticks and match them on the legend of the ph stiks container(watter ph is 6.5 and soil is 5.5-6 to be more precise)I cant afford a electronic meter,but ill get one as soon as i have...
  15. P

    My first grow

    i honestly think your not helping,no offense.they drink once every 3-4 days.temp is above 20C and lower than 30C(24-27) and if you were paing any attention the rest is postesd on my first cry for help.i have done some intense research,but cant figure why does this happens.never to dry never to...
  16. P

    My first grow

    here are some problems(see pics).anyone got anything on this?:???:
  17. P

    My first grow

    im planning to veg till saturday(6weeks).btw going to get a reflector soon and some mylar to help in the loss of light due to the lack of,the rest is oke so far?
  18. P

    My first grow

    and i shoud use a separate place for the big one to flower it?and how long untill it show?1 to 2 weeks? thanks for the great rely,your really helping me. First from seed,i used about 24/24 light up to 3-4 weeks then sweetched to 18/6.I thought that 12/12 is only for flowering and determine sex...
  19. P

    My first grow

    any ideeas of when i shoud start cloning?i mean,i have the big one.,looks oke but dont know on if its allright to start cloning to determine the sex.the light is now on 18/6(light/dark)
  20. P

    My first grow

    Just rogue seeds from a "friend" of mine.Look like indica to me.smoked some this summer,and was pretty good stuff,thats all i the way,that guys doesnt know either.