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  1. LilGreenThumbz

    where to begin?

    I havent gotten on this website and posted anything in a while. I'm Now reading your unimpresive and some what amusing insults, I find your a pathetic exusse for a grower. Your atempts at explaining your logic is fuckin retarted. I can almost asure you that the shit you grow is in resemblence to...
  2. LilGreenThumbz

    20 pot ebb&grow/dwc

    this shit is looookkkiiiinnn goooooddddddd
  3. LilGreenThumbz

    where to begin?

    AHHH brotha brotha you get to worked up over niggas who wanna talk about cock insdead of agreeing to disagree cause stupid jodo knight dbkick over here cant understand the entire idea of this site (To post ideas and progress and share in the high vibes we all love that bud plants bring us) but...
  4. LilGreenThumbz

    whats up bro

    whats up bro
  5. LilGreenThumbz

    doin what I do blazin it lol whats new my nigggggaaaa?????

    doin what I do blazin it lol whats new my nigggggaaaa?????
  6. LilGreenThumbz

    20 pot ebb&grow/dwc

    drgreentm's hydro system of veg room and flower room is some seriously elaborate shit! Mucho props on the killer growing methods home boy. Cant wait to see more updates!
  7. LilGreenThumbz

    Whats gudddddddddddddddddd brotha?

    Whats gudddddddddddddddddd brotha?