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    HELP! 2 1000w in 10x10 tent Enough Light??!??

    thanks for the replies! Im oing to do a test run with 10-12 under the lights... I would use light movers but dont have the resources right now too. maybe in a few months:)
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    HELP! 2 1000w in 10x10 tent Enough Light??!??

    I have a 10x10 tent. Looks like ill only be able to put 2 1000whps lights in there. Is that enough light for 20 plants in 7g buckets?? Thanks for the help!
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    AIR POTS??? Whats your opinion???

    lol ya transplanting would be a beetch but i think they do roll out like the Capt Chron said...
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    AIR POTS??? Whats your opinion???

    I havent yet tried these out but ive heard great things. People who have used saying that a 5g air pot is equal too or greater than using a 7-10g bucket. From the design of the pots it makes sense as far as root growth etc... What do you guys think? Im going to try out a few air pots with my...
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    Ive heard a few different opinions on repotting but this is what ive done and its worked well for me. clones rooted in "red cup" then transplanted into 3g bucket to veg for 3-6weeks(depends on your grow) then about 2 weeks before flowering Ill transplant into 7,10 or 20g buckets/bags... You want...
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    Soil grow... Pot size determine yield????

    thanks for the help. I do know there are mannnnny other factors that go into it but my biggest wonder was this.... I agree 3-5g is best for how much space i have. I have clones that have been vegging in a 3g bucket for 3 weeks so far. They are about 12-18in tall. Im thinking about transplanting...
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    Soil grow... Pot size determine yield????

    I was wondering if anyone can help me out:wall: How much does the pot size really affect the yield??? Ive heard that people have got 2-5oz per plant in 3g buckets/bags. But all the info i find says the bigger the pot size the better the yield. I had a friend do a grow in 30g bags and he got...