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  1. eichroll

    Ready to flower? (newbie)

    Is this plant ready to flower? Im a newbie but i think she is ready. she is one month old and 12in. tall. i only want a 3foot grow total. maybe yeilding one oz. thanks for your advice.
  2. eichroll

    first grow day 13

    another pic of a 4 weeker
  3. eichroll


    i read somewhere on this website of someone asking about a strand called cheese. and from everything i heard it was the shit. so hear it is. World Wide Marijuana Seeds
  4. eichroll

    first grow day 13

    here is an updated pic of the tallest strongest one she is about 12 inchesat the start of week 4. I think I may have a slow growing sativa being that it was a bag seed but im not sure any help on that? just switch to a 2 garden setup with 10 seedlings will post pics as soon as they sprout.
  5. eichroll

    first grow day 13

    i am not using nutes yet. they are in miracle grow soil though. from everything i read the "big" one usually turns out to be male. if so why is this? does the sickly one look burnt or wtf is going on with it?
  6. eichroll

    first grow day 13

    Hey guys been browsing the site for about 2 weeks now. just recently started my first soil cfl grow. one of my plants is doing good but one is short and the other looks sickly. any suggestions? its only day 13 since they sprouted.