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  1. M

    Will it Hurt My Plants?

    All right, thx for the input. Damn, I'm really a fan of compact, hard nugs... but if they're not as good in quality as normal looking buds I'll shoot for the traditional way. I might go with the paper bag method and see how well it works for me.
  2. M

    Will it Hurt My Plants?

    I thought about that and I hide my plants pretty well behind a few other big plants. Forgot to mention that they're both tiny (like 20" max.) and somehow they don't have the characteristic fan leaves. They don't look shit like marijuana if you look at them from far away. The smell fades away...
  3. M

    Will it Hurt My Plants?

    Yes they are, but isn't it obligatory to be a 12 hour darkness period? Here it gets dark at 9-9:30 p.m. and the sun rises at 5:30 am so I got like 8 hours of darkness. Dunno know if it is sufficient...
  4. M

    Will it Hurt My Plants?

    No there is no way I can get the plants indoor because the whole house will stink LOL. Like I said, I hope that the trash bag will work, but thanks for the tip. Edit: Oh I just remembered my question :D ! Well, it's a little bit off-topic, but I don't want to open a whole new thread for one...
  5. M

    Will it Hurt My Plants?

    Pff... well, it must have been around 10 weeks from seed. While my old plants where flowering I found these two seeds and just put them in a pot. So they started with 12/12 actually.
  6. M

    Will it Hurt My Plants?

    All right, took a trash bag and put it over the plants, thanks for the fast reply.
  7. M

    Will it Hurt My Plants?

    Hey guys! Last week was crazy. My father found out that I was having a grow box in the basement, but I told him I grew some tropical plants and tomatoes (he doesn't know what MJ smells like :) ). Of course he shouted at me because of the electricity bill. Well, to sum it up, I had to turn the...
  8. M

    Lost potency of weed, because of excessive curing/drying?

    Indeed the humidity was very high during my drying time, I checked the stems on a regular basis and even if they snapped in the bottom (where no bud is) they were still soft in the middle. But I may try the other method as soon as my next plants finish. Ty for the tip. Fuck Greenhouse man! They...
  9. M

    Lost potency of weed, because of excessive curing/drying?

    Yes exactly, the trichromes were mostly some kind of yellowish/amber. As far as drying goes, I dried it in a relatively dark room (a bathroom with only one windows about 30"x30") so there was falling a little bit light in it, but not so much because it is from the dark side of the building where...
  10. M

    Lost potency of weed, because of excessive curing/drying?

    Well, you're probably right, I will try it again the coming weekend and if I don't get as high as I expect it to happen, I will make butter, oil or green dragon out of it.
  11. M

    Lost potency of weed, because of excessive curing/drying?

    In mason jars, the thing is I opened them every day for 20 minutes, that's why I think the weed lost its potency. Could only be my perception though or I was not in the mental state to get high (if that is even possible)...
  12. M

    Lost potency of weed, because of excessive curing/drying?

    Yesterday I was smoking some weed after a long time (like 2 weeks or so) and I noticed that I didn't get as stoned as I was the last time smoking it. It was extreme, I smoked 2 joints of grass and I didn't even feel the weed until my 3rd session, which was with a small pipe instead of a joint...
  13. M

    First time PC Build/Grow

    Just beautiful.
  14. M

    Bio Grow/Bloom Dosage

    18 days into flowering. I watered my plant yesterday with plain water, hope it will look better today...
  15. M

    First time PC Build/Grow

    So are you using the half of the prescribed dosage? What nutes?
  16. M

    First time PC Build/Grow

    Thank you man she's flowering now and the white pistils make the plant even more beautiful, although the leaves are hanging a little bit low... guess I feed it too much, I think of feeding it once every two weeks, but I'll see...
  17. M

    Bio Grow/Bloom Dosage

    61 views and no post :cry:
  18. M

    First time PC Build/Grow

    LST is the shit, anyone who grows indoors and doesn't do it is just insane. Topped once + LST
  19. M

    Bio Grow/Bloom Dosage

    Hey fellas, I started my grow about a month ago. I started with Bio Grow and now I'm also using Bio Bloom for flowering. The thing is I use the dosage that is described on the sheet, but I read somewhere that I should only use half of it. So what should I do? Please let me know.... I entered on...
  20. M

    First time PC Build/Grow

    How often are you watering? I can't believe it, you don't use any nutes but your plant looks way healthier and more powerful than most of the plants I have seen. The soil must be worth all its money :). You use foxfarm soil right?