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  1. B


    91 views and only one comment? COME ON PEOPLE
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    PLEASE READ AND COMMENT!!!! Well this is my frist grow....ever and im really supprised that this work. Well these plants are all the same age, i orginally had 9 plants then i flowered and eveed up with 3 cuz of males =( but its all good. Around a month before 12/12 i took my smallest plant...
  3. B

    FIRST GROW EVER!!!! 4th week of 12/12 hydro and soil. PLEASE COMMENT!!!!!

    PLEASE READ AND COMMENT!!!! Well this is my frist grow....ever and im really supprised that this work. Well these plants are all the same age, i orginally had 9 plants then i flowered and eveed up with 3 cuz of males =( but its all good. Around a month before 12/12 i took my smallest plant...
  4. B

    Are these males????????? Help please

    okay so this is my update please read!!! I Think 2/7 of my babies are MALES!!! someone please inspect these pics and let me know what yall think. i put them under my hps 1/9 so ya. its just hard im a first time grower and these colas look so amazing to be on male plants but i have read that...
  5. B

    Are these males????????? Help please

    HOW LONG BEFOR POLLON SACKS WILL OPEN AND FUCK MY FEMALES UP? PLEASE RESPOND... im not sure if i have males, hermeris, both, females, shit
  6. B

    Are these males????????? Help please

    okay i feel that... its just such a bummer workin so hard to turn out male =( i new it was gonna have tho but hey i had to keep my fingers crossed. I think im gonna move the one with the balls on it today, bc its forsure male. I plan on just putting it outside and hope for the best....the...
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    Are these males????????? Help please

    okay okay but again how do u tell if its hermie or not, cuz i no some have no "balls" right now....but i dont wnat them fucking up the ladies. should i pull the ones that DEFFIENTLY have "balls" Advice please
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    Are these males????????? Help please

    anyone see any differnt? or have their twosince
  9. B

    Are these males????????? Help please

    i Dont want males i want budda! stinky green! so in yalls opinion the one n the pic that has pretty much little balls are males? n i shold get em outa my grow room? Correct? Sorry this is my frist grow n i dont want it gonig down cuz of fucking males! FUCK THAT!
  10. B

    Are these males????????? Help please

    Yes all bag see but mainly all from the same sac. Ive read about hermie's but how do you tell exactly and WTF should i do. Pulle em?
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    Are these males????????? Help please

    PLEASE READ!!!!! So after all my older post about my problems i finely did research and now i am currently doing MY FIRST LST on my babies main stem, (except on my hydro but i couldnt add a pic my camera died), and i think they are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing. All the...
  12. B

    HELP ME OUT!!!! just started 12/12 a week ago.

    This is my frist grow ever so im very new to all of this. these are what most of my babies look like. I think i have some males but im not sure. Someone plz let me know what they think. Also they are still little and bushy and dont have many bud sites. ive thogh about scrog and lst but arnt...
  13. B

    Just Started 12/12!!!! ADVICE/COMMENTS PLEASE!!!!

    Well this is my frist grow ever. My babies went into the ground nov. 15 and i just chaned to 12/12 probably 4 days ago. I also topped right before switching to 12/12. i have been using Flora Nova series and so far i think its workin just fine. i have been using half the recomended doseage on...
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    Should i start 12/12?????????????????? ADVICE PLZZZ

    Well thanks for the advice everyone but yeah like i said this is my first grow so im just hoping to get some dank out of these babies, but Punk-yeah i understand more branches more bud but these litter fuckers arnt growing branches just fan leaves...they have been in the ground since nov. 15 so...
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    Should i start 12/12?????????????????? ADVICE PLZZZ

    79 views and only 2 replies....what is this site made for if people are'nt going to give they knowledge....
  16. B

    Should i start 12/12?????????????????? ADVICE PLZZZ

    PLEASE READ AND GIVE YOUR INPUT well this is my frist grow ever so im pretty new to all of this. i topped my babies hopping they would get bushy and i thin its working just how i wanted it to. Most are starting to grow two stems from were i originaly cut it and more branches are starting to...
  17. B

    Should i start flowering!!!!! Advice greatly appreciated

    PLEASE READ AND GIVE YOUR INPUT well this is my frist grow ever so im pretty new to all of this. i topped my babies hopping they would get bushy and i thin its working just how i wanted it to. Most are starting to grow two stems from were i originaly cut it and more branches are starting to...