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  1. R

    !!!!!!!!Extreme Vaporizer Machine!!!!!!!!

    Well i have a vaporizer of my own and it is digi-vapor vaporizer. It works well, but my friends vapor brothers works and tastes sooooooooo much better. Not only that, but it also conserves more and doesnt burn the magical herb. Anywho, i've always have been telling him how much id like to have...
  2. R

    Should i or not....need some advise!

    honestly, im the type of person that deffiently wont drive drunk even if i had the smallest sip of beer...well maybe then but if i drink even a 3rd of the beer i wont drive for an hour...i dont really have a problem with driving high, u just have to relize that the lives of ur friends and urs...
  3. R


    sry about the above link, i didnt see what went wrong when i posted the link, heres the actual link MEGAFARM® Drip Hydroponic System
  4. R


    Im thinking about investing some money in buying a hydrofarm to start my indoor growing. I was thinking about getting a megafarm and grow them in a closet. you say this is a good investment?
  5. R

    Hi CFL'rs ..Here's some CFL bud

    its actually pritty good use for clones, basically its suppose to ellude watchfull eyes and make them believe its a computer but actully a stealth growbox, they sell them online to, google stealth grow box and u should be able to find something.
  6. R

    aquaponics(not hydro)

    Today I have read about a new way of growing that I never heared of. I told one of my grow buddies and he thought i was making shit up. Anywho basically what happens is that u grow ur plants hydroponicly, but u wont really be giving them as many nutriets as you would for just plain hydro. It...
  7. R

    *How To Make THC DROPS.

    one thing u could try is making a large large field outside . Get a bees nest and make sure it is in the middle of the field, after that, get rid of any other plants around the pot plants. From what i expect, the bees will use the pollen from the pot plants and make a quite potent thc honey. I...
  8. R

    LED set up?

    I need some help from experianced growers! I am considring doing an LED light(mostly) set up. What kind of LED lights are good and what kind should I use. If I do use LED lights, should I incorporate any other lighting styles(HPS, flouresent,MH)?
  9. R

    led set up?

    I need some help from experianced growers! I am considring doing an LED light(mostly) set up. What kind of LED lights are good and what kind should I use. If I do use LED lights, should I incorporate any other lighting styles(HPS, flouresent,MH)?
  10. R

    hydro growing

    what would u suggest is a good hydro set up with all the little details to make it top quality...would u say this is a good grow box for there price, what would u suggest Super Jumbo Grow Closet w/ Tek Light T5 (16 Tube) & 10-80 Plant Aeroponic Hydroponic System w/ Co2!!