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  1. M

    Is misting plants with seltzer water a good souce of c02??

    also if you were to put the carbonated water in a sealed container with a tube going to the bottom of it ,and put a sprayer nosel you could use the waters compression to disperse and then the co2 would go to your plants through liquid and naturaly by increasing atmospheric co2 levels in your...
  2. M

    Need an opinion on seeds

    I mean an MJ licens
  3. M

    Need an opinion on seeds

    sorry for changing the subject but do you have to have a licens to order seeds? (:
  4. M

    Shroom Spores

    I have done lots of studying in the subject for about a year maby two or three. So now i think I can pull off a harvest or two flushes since fungi of the sort grow in the wild anywayse right. (:
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    Feilds Of Mary-J!!!!

    also as you mentioned this is a test and if this test of yours failes you learned someting from it and you will have more respect for the plant as you will realise that wha't marijuana did was not an easy thing spreading and contenuing on in it's lonely journey to finding it's ultimate...
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    LED grow lights

    hey has any one here used some led grow lights? If so how good do they work? Do your plants form regulary and do they grow to regular size? I have studied all the sites selling led grow lights and they were very infomitave but advertising is advertising get what I say?
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    Shroom Spores

    hey do any of you know a good and easy grow medium from house maid stuff? also sells all strains for9.95 no matter what and free shipping ( :
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    Simple & Quick grow

    no aerogarden bad choice but you could use some floresent bulbs. Kinda efficent but growth may be slow. To make up for any thing bing slow you can grow with 24 hr light.
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    IS my plant just REALLY FUCKED UP?

    there are some strains that only have three leaves I harvested 17 of them last season.
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    outdoor in january

    Is this possible of so this is my new outdoor technique LOL
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    Feilds Of Mary-J!!!!

    it would be a good idea if you planned on growing lots of weed. You can grow some corn and hide your bud plants in them. And then u can space the corn more for more light tonthe plants.
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    hiding spots

    one good spot is inside of electronics in battery holder spots like if your alarm has a a battery back up.(;
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    Simple Way To Make Cannabutter?

    well I was wondering how good this stuff is cause my friend took a spoon full of this stright to the mouth after being told to only take half a spoon full at a time LOL! She said she was so fucked up she couldn't walk. She said she had to have her friend walk her out like she was drunk. LOL but...
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    I do make black powder with out sulfur and I make charcoal out of naptkins. But I only wanted to use it for fertilizer because I have it alredy. I got it from ebay for about $4 a pound.
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    I have some kno3 and wanted to use it as a fertilizer, I was wanting to know how much to a gallon of water so I won't burn my plants?
  16. M

    white fungus on soil

    my plant has a white fungus growing on the soil my plant is very young bout two weeks old. I do not want to loose this plant because where I live it's hard to come by seeds and I only get crips so seeds are like one to a pound or three also very crip. I was told by a friend that I could put a...