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  1. ballemason

    Heard that glass sheilded light prevents the color change of trics, is it true?

    So the other day while at a dispensary I frequent. I began talking about my eagerness to harvest and how I had read recently, on here I believe, that THC is at it's most potent while still clear just turning milky as apposed to the milky turning amber that most everybody goes by. I know/read...
  2. ballemason

    Heard that glass sheilded light prevents the color change of chrystals?

    So the other day while at a dispensary I frequent. I began talking about my eagerness to harvest and how I had read recently, on here I believe, that THC is at it's most potent while still clear just turning milky as apposed to the milky turning amber that most everybody goes by. I know/read...
  3. ballemason

    Three Strains a Charm: 31 day update

    Three Strains a Charm: 31 day update GrapeKrush-Dominate(Mother-GrapeKrush/Father-?) C.S.Co "21"(T1E3) Plant #2-Short Phenotype C.S.Co "21"(T1E3) Plant #5-Tall Phenotype (Smelly:razz:) All The Girls
  4. ballemason

    Soil Flush Help from all you pot gurus

    Thats one thing I have been worried about so I have tried to give them 1/2 gal a day now
  5. ballemason

    Three Strains a Charm

    GrapeKrush-Dominate(Mother-GrapeKrush/Father-?) C.S.Co "21"(T1E3) Plant #2-Short Phenotype C.S.Co "21"(T1E3) Plant #5-Tall Phenotype (Smelly:-P) All The Girls
  6. ballemason

    Soil Flush Help from all you pot gurus

    bottom of 6 gallon pot 4"-5" of: 2prt peat-2prt mushroom compost(permagreen Brand)-1part play sand-1 part perlite. Filler mix: 2prt peat- 1prt BaseFlowerMix( 2prt Eko Brand Potting mix-1part play sand)-1prt perlite- 2tblsp Bone meal per approx.12gallon of soil. When the pot feels light I water...
  7. ballemason

    average Flower time for Grape Krush

    So I have read around and the average answer is 55-65 days like most strains. But it has been said to take as little as 45 days and as long as 70 depending on the phenotype. Heres mine at 31 days of 11.5-on/12.5-off. Not sure if I should be worried. The browning and yellowing accuring on GK is...
  8. ballemason

    Soil Flush Help from all you pot gurus

    So I have read that some phenos of Grape Krush will finish in as little 45 days. I'm not sure about this but either way this doesn't look good to my novice eyes. HELP:-( PS she is 31 days into 11.5-on/12.5-off.
  9. ballemason

    Soil Flush Help from all you pot gurus

    Was about to go ahead and flush but then read some posts and such about over-watering and root rot. My GK is in a 6 gallon pot and stand 39" tall, I can't very well just flip her over and check the lower soil. I should have enough sand and perlite so it won't bog down, however still a little...
  10. ballemason

    average Flower time for Grape Krush

    Anybody with some hands on harvest times would be great. Thanx all
  11. ballemason

    Lock out? Nutrient Def? Plain stupidity?

    I flushed, let it dry alittle and then did epson salt. I have noticed it seems to be strain specific for me. All my girls are in the same basic mix yet only my GK is showing these signs which look a lot like N def due to a heavy bud production. But hell just cuz I read a lot doesn't mean I know...
  12. ballemason

    Lock out? Nutrient Def? Plain stupidity?

    Yeah the apple cider wasn't working for me, and yes it is a soil issue that I think I have solved
  13. ballemason

    Three Strains a Charm

    Here are the ladies, looking yummy. GK is giving me a hard time, can't figure out if I should be worried. Johnny 5, ("21"#5) had to be tied over again so I could shove her further back into the corner.
  14. ballemason

    Soil Flush Help from all you pot gurus

    first 2 @ 25 next to 28 day pics
  15. ballemason

    Lock out? Nutrient Def? Plain stupidity?

    From what I have read about Flushing you run twice the amount of water through the pot, ie.. 5gal pot=10 gal of water. Due it in one sitting but slowly enough that you don't over-flow the top of the pot or get the little rivers down the edge where the soil and container meet. Just what I've...
  16. ballemason

    Soil Flush Help from all you pot gurus

    Here's the 28 day update, I have thought that it looked like N draw but thought it was to early. Guess I should see what GrapeKrush average flower time is, Sure wish I knew who her father was. I had also considered low K, so I got some FoxFarms-Big Bloom, do you all think I should have gotten...
  17. ballemason

    Soil Flush Help from all you pot gurus

    So is it safe to flush my 70/30 peat/soil mix. I have used pretty much only compost, bone meal and fish emultion mixed in for nutrients. However my GrapeKrush looks alot like it's either burned or locked up. Not sure here are some pics. 22 days into flower when the pics were taken, has gotton...
  18. ballemason

    Three Strains a Charm: Is this normal

    Guys meet Grape Krush. She's 11 days into flower at time of pic. I moved her int her flower mix aprox. 3 weeks ago. 6 gal. pot/ bottom 3" - 2 prt peat/2 prt Permagreen Brand. Mushroom Compost/ 1 part play sand/1 prt perlite. Then 1" and fill dirt made up of, 2 part peat/ 1prt flwr soil...
  19. ballemason

    Three Strains a Charm

    some natural light pics of GK @ Day 25
  20. ballemason

    Three Strains a Charm: Is this normal

    My girls in flower have been getting brown tips-loss of color-dry/brown fingers on a totally yellow leaf. Seems to be older inner and fan leafs working from the bottom up. They are 25 days into 11.5/12.5-light/dark.