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    Cops raided my ass!!!!

    kae so theres lots of contraversey on here and all of it is mainly hate ( borat voice) NAUGHTY NAUGHTY ;) but i ave a real problem i picked up a Q and i have a massive crown in the bag then a lil bit of pop corn nuges , but ONE of the nugs are VERY purple , DEEEP green ish with prodominant red...
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    Cops raided my ass!!!!

    really man not worth ur time so what if its fake ? its no skin off ur ass stop givin the guy a hard time every one should be here thanking marryjane that it wasnt them that was raided like this is a site where we should all be togeather as one were all on here all around the world cuz of the...
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    Cops raided my ass!!!!

    verry true man im up in ontario right now and im in police foundations ( yes i still blaze EVERY fuckin day ) but as far as search warrants they will take 24 hrs to compleatly check over the whole house but in a pc case i guess it may slip some ppls minds to even look there but iuno if the story...
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    What yall smokin on? pics n stuff.

    man DICK BURGER!!!!!! omfg that made me laugh hard ! im use it from now on !!!! haha funny shit
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    Best Way To Make Butter?

    kae so here it goes, this is prob the most effeciant way i know of that eliminates smell and mess u will need : boiling watter in a pot ( duh ) cheese cloth ( to strain the matterial from the butter) an oz of bud 1 lb of butter per oz ( look for highest ammount of fat in butter) and vacume...
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    Black BUDS

    okay well yesterday i picked up a quarter and sure as shit i have a lil nug that black , smells sweet just like this guy said and wtf?? like can i smoke it or could it be mould ? theres tricombs on it still kinda moist/sticky, should i let it out of the bag and let the bud dry out and go from...