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  1. M

    Broken tap root. Grow journal!

    no one seemed to be interested at the time so I didn't update for a while. Here is an update for those that are interested. Also, my plant is now 30 days old and I believe it to be smaller then your normal plant; am I wrong? It's a auto lemon skunk.
  2. M

    probably an emergency

    I added an extra air pump with airstone to my aerogarden. The pH is about 5.7-6.0
  3. M

    probably an emergency

    It's in an aerogarden, so I am not sure how I would give it too much water through hydroponics. and I used like 1/8th of the nutrients. Would I just clip the leafs off with scissors as close to stem as possible?
  4. M

    probably an emergency

    as this is my first grow and i started without a ph meter i burnt my plant a few times. unfortunately, germination process didn't go so well either, tap root ended up breaking. she still managed to grow. i nute burned my plant for a second time then flushed it, ph has been fine and now she is...
  5. M

    Not sure what this is

    Looked around on forums, can't seem to find out why these red/dark speks are appearing. They have only appeared on the leaves that were once nute burned. what is cuasing this problem and how do I get rid of it?
  6. M

    Another problem, darkening

    bump it up
  7. M

    Flowering: Hindu Kush

    additional airstone? do you ever find yourself adjusting the pH or does it seem to regulate itself?
  8. M

    Another problem, darkening

    I believe its a nitrogen difficiency, can this be caused by pH?
  9. M

    Another problem, darkening

    to the top
  10. M

    Another problem, darkening

    thanks for the quick reply, but unfortunately I am not refering to either the left or right leaf. I'm talking about the front and back leaves. The leaves you are referrinng to have already suffered nute burn and are burnt.
  11. M

    Another problem, darkening

    My plant is about 2 weeks old now, I fed her at 1 week which I guess was a little too early as she suffered from some nute burn. I then added nutrients yesterday morning, and only added 1/4 of the suggested amount, using maxi grow by gh. If you notice the second biggest pair of leaves, the ones...
  12. M

    Plant showing weird spots, and potential rotting?

    So the plant is continue to grow, she's actually had a lot of progress. One of her newer leaves has red-ish spots (the leaf closest to the camera) I am hoping it is just nute burn. How do you think my plant is doing recovery wise?
  13. M

    Flowering: Hindu Kush

    beautiful looking lady, she's picture perfect! what's your setup like?
  14. M

    Plant showing weird spots, and potential rotting?

    I took the risk of starting without a pH meter, I did however order one and am still waiting for it.
  15. M

    Plant showing weird spots, and potential rotting?

    I got an airstone in my reservoir so I am not too sure how I can get my plants overwatered using hydroponic system with airstone. I am using 3 26w 7500k CFL Bulbs and the 3 bulbs on the aerogarden which are about 4700k CFL
  16. M

    Plant showing weird spots, and potential rotting?

    any reasoning for the spots appearing on her leaves? Also, when i meant not holding herself up I didn't mean by the stem, but actually by the stem of the leaves, the leaves are drooping
  17. M

    Plant showing weird spots, and potential rotting?

    could my plant be having issues because of the low humidity? it's only 20% which I find kind of low, anyone have any tip and low cost tips to increase the humidity
  18. M

    Plant showing weird spots, and potential rotting?

    Did you guys notice the darker colors of the plant? She's having trouble holding herself up. Is the dark colors nute burn too?
  19. M

    Plant showing weird spots, and potential rotting?

    it's been over 12 hours since i've changed the res on the water, without adding any nutes. She's not holding herself up. Anyone know what's going on
  20. M

    Plant showing weird spots, and potential rotting?

    Here's a picture of my plant, it's an autoflowering lemon skunk. planted it roughly 10 days ago. I noticed slight odd coloring this morning and it's gotten a little worse. I've flushed the reservoir thinking it's maybe nute burn but maybe someone else can help me out. It's mostly with the leaf...