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  1. I

    Any news on Wisconsin?

    Title explains it all just wondering what the outlook for the state of Wisconsin on the legalization of it? if anyone wants to give insight on it that would be great thanks :)
  2. I

    Anyone else hate the taste of beer?

    mmmmmmmmmm beeeeeeeeeeeeer <3 :P
  3. I

    Completly new to growing a little help please?

    well at least it was the regs plant i had to pull lol so im tweekin on this kush 1 how much you think could be yielded off this 1? =o if theres anyway to tell also i appreciate everyones help thanks (:
  4. I

    Completly new to growing a little help please?

    Alright plant is out and the light is like a good 3 inches from the dirt aimed right at the stem growing out :)although its aimed right at 1 leaf thats at the bottom im scared imma burn it =\
  5. I

    Completly new to growing a little help please?

    haha alright imma use that as extra precaution too :)
  6. I

    Completly new to growing a little help please?

    Male is getting pulled as we speak lol
  7. I

    Completly new to growing a little help please?

    whats the trash bag used for? i was just gonna grab the bottom of plant and pull it out lol or is that a bad idea? lol and alright ill go 12/12 and im still worried about burning but then your suggesting more light soo i shouldnt worry about burning?
  8. I

    Completly new to growing a little help please?

    Alright so i have concluded it is a male like he said i never noticed the top ones i was looking like underneath more and it was sitting directly behind a leaf so i didnt see it untill i moved the leaves around...I lowered the light to like 2 inches away from the stem on the female plant but im...
  9. I

    Completly new to growing a little help please?

    the box alone is about 3 feet i would say the light is about a foot away from the bottom of the plant and its just a flourescent light bulb energy saver one if that makes sense lol and alright ill get the nutes put on as soon as i can.
  10. I

    Completly new to growing a little help please?

    Also is it possible to tell if i were to move the light closer how much i can gain off 1 plant? reason i say 1 is because there is a chance i might have to take the 1 down considering it may be a male plant?
  11. I

    Completly new to growing a little help please?

    i could lower the light down and tape the cord to the back what nutes do you recommend? and does the last picture really give it away that the plant is a male? because those arn't little balls of pollen they're little leaves.
  12. I

    Completly new to growing a little help please?

    The soil is just plain dirt from the backyard LOL .. and no fert is being used. I started them i would say about a month ago maybe more...month and a half at most.
  13. I

    Completly new to growing a little help please?

    its just a desklamp light that detaches from the stand i drilled a hole in the back of the box and pulled the plug through. I know im running stealth but its not much of a deal as i never get snooped on im just meaning that i am hiding the box and i am growing just 2 plants because i dont wanna...
  14. I

    Completly new to growing a little help please?

    Alright im a complete noob to growing so work with me here lol. I have 2 plants bubblegum kush and then just a regs plant..Its my first time so I used regs and kush to see the differences in the grow and really didn't care if it died or whatnot...Now that they are looking pretty damn sexy I am...