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  1. S

    For All Cap Ebb and Grow Users

    yea ive been veggin in net pots in a 4by4 tay with hydroton for 3 weeks an then puttin them in buckets been workin great!! i was usin RW to veg but RW seems like a nightmare with bugs an they constantly hold moisture
  2. S

    Thinking of R.O. water? You may want to think again.

    haaa stop bein cheap an by an ro pump!! aleast u kno what ur adding to ur water!! who kno whats in tap to begin with depending on ur area it could be real bad!!!!
  3. S

    White Fuzz on Plant

    dew for sure
  4. S

    Ebb and Flow help ?

    do u add water everyday to keep rez level up??? then evry week when u change ur rez add nuits all over again??? i kno when the water is low u shouldnt keep adding nuits right???
  5. S

    H202???? Good?? Bad??

    Is h202 good to use every day?? I was told every few days was good? Wouild it hurt the plants if i used it everyday???
  6. S

    Mosquito dunks?

    yea dont spray it...i crushed up the ones i used and mixed it in my resivior every few days an it seem to kill the larve in the growing medium...get those yellow strips called hot shots an hang them around ur plants it will kill the flyin gnats becuse the dunks jus kill the babies an start...
  7. S

    How do i use mosquito dunks????????????????

    yea i kno lil shitz tryin to f up a good thangg.....yea dunks seem to be workin
  8. S

    My electrician's an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    no good dam electrian forgot to set ur timers lol
  9. S

    How do i use mosquito dunks????????????????

    yea im using same set up as u but i have 2gal ebb n flow buckets with hydroton an rockwell ive been using those dunks this is my 3rd day an i jus seen a bunch of bugs on the ground dead an runnin away!!!! lil shits tryin to ruin my shit!!! ive been useing h202 also for the roots an its really...
  10. S

    do u add water to ur rez when its low????????????

    yea so if i change the rez every 5days ill jus keep the water at its orginal level untill i drain rez to waist? i dont have to keep adding nuits right?
  11. S

    do u add water to ur rez when its low????????????

    i use ebb n flow buckets and feed three times a day...but my rez after a few days is low!! should i jus keep adding water an keep the level up untill my next rez change????? thanx
  12. S

    How do i use mosquito dunks????????????????

    yeaaaa thanx for ur help lol
  13. S

    How often should i use h202??? Having fungus gnat prob!!

    what does h202 exactly do to help get rid of them????
  14. S

    How often should i use h202??? Having fungus gnat prob!!

    How often should i use?? Does it kill the fungus gnats right of the root balls?? Im doin hydro with hydrton rock!
  15. S

    minimum temperature when the lights are off?

    Study ur strain an see where it came from an what temp is ideal an night
  16. S

    1day of of MH light and plant is curving upward?

    How many watts is ur mh?? How close is it?
  17. S

    How do i use mosquito dunks????????????????

    there all over my roots eating them im sure it will hurt
  18. S

    How do i use mosquito dunks????????????????

    Do i crush them up an put them in my rez????
  19. S

    How do i use mosquito dunks????????????????

    How do i use them??? Do i crush up the donut an sprinkle it in my rez??? I have a fungus gnat promblem!!!!