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  1. J

    Grow Tent Club

    I am a first timer, but I think widow is right they look very ummm not happy. It also kind of looks like a cluster fu*k coming out of the room. LOL But i like the place you put the baby's. and in the last couple the plants look well on the way!! I also have a 4/4 and have two big blues and a...
  2. J

    Grow Tent Club

    Thanks man good to hear as i said first time and don't really know what it should or shouldn't look like at this point. (well i know they should have flowers) lol. One of the big blues top fan leaves on main cola are slowly turning yellow like the flowers are pulling extra nut's out of them I...
  3. J

    Grow Tent Club

    4\4 Two big blues and one small purp. 5 weeks into flower first grow.any input good or bad would be great. Thank you for taking a look.
  4. J

    Big Blue help

    So I went and put sand on the top of the soil in an effort to keep the top dry and unlikeable to any bug that likes wet soil to breed. I put up tape as shown in pic's, (should I put more tape going up the plant until it gets to some major branches or leaves? Also the past two days have not seen...
  5. J

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    The past two days I have found dried up leaves about five per plant (a day) all on the lower part. They are just about four weeks into flowering. Is this a huge problem? And how would I go about fixing it? Also might be relevant I have noticed about five fungus flies. (That was a couple days...
  6. J

    I Perceive You In Real Life As.....

    yes it is!!!!! lol
  7. J

    Big Blue help

    Will do again thank you so much for all help. So the tape, is that the way you were talking about putting it on? I will put up new pic's as things start to pick up a little. God bless and happy holidays.
  8. J

    Big Blue help

  9. J

    Big Blue help

  10. J

    I Perceive You In Real Life As.....

    I will take any extra attention you may have!!! LOL Are you a G.S.P. fan? Not that you have to be to be from ole Canada, I was just thinking since he is the best thing to come out of Canada, next to you and your all's knowledge in greenery. He is my favorite Canadian but you are quickly becoming...
  11. J

    Big Blue help

    Okay very good to know. I heard from the guy at the hydro store and the medical dispensary to use potatoes. I was wondering if they would cause problems considering how fast they get old and nasty. What about lady bugs? would they take care of it? I was told about "botanigard" was told it works...
  12. J

    Big Blue help

    I went to the link, but all I got out of it is that they are bad. This I know there are not a lot of them just a few that I have seen. I have put tape around base of the plant and taters on soil. Should I keep putting the potatoes on the soil and the tape until harvest? And if I do this will my...
  13. J

    Big Blue help

    Thank you for dropping a few words of wisdom. I am new to r.i.u. and growing. I have noticed a few (as in maybe 5) fungi flys. I chopped up some tater's and put around top of soil and put tape (sticky side out) on the root of the plants. I have heard that they can majorly mess up your harvest...
  14. J

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    (serapis) Thank you for your time. I know lots of different things can cause different yields I was just looking for a rough guess. I looked today and saw about five fruit looking fly's. I sliced up some tater's and put on soil, I heard that would bring up the bugs then put sticky tape around...
  15. J

    Big Blue help

    I had heard that getting help on here is a lot like fishing, you throw your question out there and someone will answer it. Well guys I have been fishing A LOT!! I LOVE IT!!!! But so far this pond sucks!
  16. J

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    I had heard that getting help on here is a lot like fishing, you throw your question out there and someone will answer it. Well guys I have been fishing A LOT!! I LOVE IT!!!! But so far this pond sucks!
  17. J

    Who Needs Help?Ask Here..

    I would love some help! I have two big blues in a 4/4 space under 600hps first timer. good circulation and heat stays around 75 and 67when lights off. with humidity 35-40% They are three weeks into flower and 44 inches tall. I let them veg. for about 6 weeks. I cut back a few of the big leaves...
  18. J

    Big Blue help

    The two big blues stand about 44 inches from the floor and are three weeks into flower. I have been using fox farm products. (dont know if that makes a difference) Please and thank you 2 anyone who could give any kind of help.
  19. J

    Big Blue help

    I have two big blues and a purp in a 4 by 4 space with a 600w hps, they are three weeks into flower. They are really big and bushy (big blue's) they are getting to the point they are running into each other is that a problem. I also noticed that a few of the bigger leaves were blocking light...