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  1. D

    Using reflective surface outdoors?

    lol no worries
  2. D

    Using reflective surface outdoors?

    little edit in previous post. i really cant tell if you are being sarcastic about plants receiving light from the side. maybe you're confused with the spectrum at which light for plants is most beneficial and that occurs when the sun is at a certain angle. I'm not the most knowledgeable...
  3. D

    Using reflective surface outdoors?

    i am completely confused by the idea of light traveling parallel to the earth... wouldn't that only occur at the very moment of sunrise and sunset? im not trying to be condescending and i really am interested in understanding what you're saying, but if i were to hold up an umbrella...with the...
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    Using reflective surface outdoors?

    again, the added walls will be designed so they don't block out any direct sunlight from behind. the brick wall also doesn't overshadows the plants throughout the day (except for a tiny bit at sunset, during which the sun is already blocked out from buildings far off into the horizon), so adding...
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    Using reflective surface outdoors?

    well, its more about increasing the intensity of the available sunlight rather than compensating for indirect sunlight. edit: the walls are going to be pretty makeshift. ill probably just use some cheap wood and might even just use some left over white paint if i cant find any mylar.
  6. D

    Using reflective surface outdoors?

    has anyone tried using a reflective surface such as mylar for an outdoors grow? my outdoors garage is walled on all sides, neighbors are cool and aren't nosy, the street is pretty quiet and marijuana laws aren't very strict/enforced where I'm from so being secretive about the grow isn't an...