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  1. G

    please help!!! seedling fell over

    I have one seedling that was in rockwool about 1.5 inches tall I have it under a t5 light everything was going good untill This morning I woke up and it was totally dropped to one side The rockwool was pretty dry so I gave it ph adjusted water will It be okay???
  2. G

    first grow need help!

    So I'm growin 2 plants in a 2x4 closet my seedlings have sprouted And are about an inch out of the rockwool I have them under t5 lights I was wondering 1. When should I put a fan on them? And when they get bigger and I can't Fit a fan in the closet can I keep one outside blowing in? I have...
  3. G

    seedling wont loose its shell

    Okay so I germ my seeds on the 16th put them in rockwool My seedling sprouted but it won't shed its shell its has only been Two day should I wait what do I do plz help thanksss cheers