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  1. Birdman

    first time growing, a fiew questions

    sounds pretty good i am about to plant mine and thats wut im doin, plantin in trash bags in the ground
  2. Birdman

    When to grow ?

    Hey i need some good advice im about to start my first outdoor grow and i need to know when i should plant my seeds. i live in north east, North Carolina help plzz thks
  3. Birdman


    hh jh jh
  4. Birdman


    im growin only one plant and want to use cfl how many watts and lummens will it need ??
  5. Birdman


    Hey were ur getting cfl's do u go off of how many watts they have or how many there equivalent to ???
  6. Birdman

    My pot movie

    kick ass im goin plant outside soon but ill probaly start off with one plant not 100 lol
  7. Birdman


    can i go through the whole plant life and produce go plant only usin flourcent lights ?? p.s. im only growin one plant
  8. Birdman


    hey i just started growin my one plant. im usin flourescents for the seedlings. can i use them the whole time?
  9. Birdman


    im a begginer and i cant order anything off line so were can i get a ph meter? and a metal halide light ?
  10. Birdman

    First Room 8 1000 Watt Lights... Does This Look Right For 28 Days Into Flower??

    he i just started growin and i was just wonderin wut store sold PH meter and if its really that important ??
  11. Birdman

    Where can i buy stuff

    i have just recently planted one of my seeds. i am us 2 small flourescents. for one plant how many watts should i have ? But wen my plants get older i want to get metal halides. where could i buy them ? and are they good for the flowering stage ?
  12. Birdman

    11day old seedling

    he i just started growin and i was just wonderin wut store sold PH meter and if its really that important ??
  13. Birdman

    Totally Stealth Grow?

    u could try goin to the dump or thrift store and get the biggests old tv and take out everything in it and use that
  14. Birdman

    am i totally fucked with a 120 grow light?

    i just started growin and i only planted one seed if im usin flourescents how many watts would i need ?