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    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    thanks yktk, by photo zone I'm guessing you mean the distance from the glass downward? I am currently using a 600w due to heat issues but I think I have those bugs worked out and will put my 1000w back in 2morrow. My last feeding i added some 20-0-0 ammonium sulfate to kick the N up a bit.
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    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Thanks for the reply, after doing some research on trimming times I am going to wait a couple more days and give it the final trim. I have no height issues just want to keep the canopy as even as possible. Strain is Blueberry
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    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    First time doin scrog and have a few Q's. I am 13 days in and plants are stretchin but now I have colas that are not as tall as some. Should I cut out the lower ones or just leave them? I did some trimming below the screen as I went along but have not since flowering. Can I trim one last time...
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    Leaf Tip Burn

    I'm using FloraNova. I think I gave them to much right off the bat though so I cut it down to 1/2 strength. Also started monitoring the ph a little better. What PH is best?
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    Leaf Tip Burn

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    Leaf Tip Burn

    I'm having an issue with leaf tip burn that progresses into yellowing blotchy leaves. any ideas would be appreciated. I'm thinking a deficiency of some kind but really have no clue. Thanks in advance. l
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    Growing Chili's Indoors?

    I have powders from all of the SuperHots. 1 bottle would probably last most people the rest of their life. Seriously. I actually love hot on everything so I eat alot of it.
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    Growing Chili's Indoors?

    I only sell plants, powders and fresh. But I do a lot of seed trading.
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    Growing Chili's Indoors?

    sso, pepper seeds are not that small and should be put under the soil, about 1/4 in. Some seeds of many wild varieties can take up to 8-10 weeks or longer. The longest I had to wait for a seed was 12 weeks and when the only seed out of 10 sprouted the plant died about week later. I believe it...
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    Growing Chili's Indoors?

    grapdawg, you should probably take the plants out of the box and just put the lights over top of them. What they really need is a fan blowing on them maybe two times a day for 1/2 hr at a time, it helps to strengthen the stems. They would only need to be in that box to germinate the seeds then...
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    Growing Chili's Indoors?

    Peppers are self pollinating.
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    Growing Chili's Indoors?

    jd, have you got anything to sprout yet? Certain species of peppers take longer to germinate. I have some seeds that have been germinating for 6 weeks and some others sprout in 2 to 3 days. What types are you guys growing that you are not getting anything to sprout? I germinate all my pepper...
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    Getting Ready To Start My 2011 Veggie Garden Need Some Advise.

    I'm not sure about the fert issue but i think that a whole bucket on that size garden should last you all season. Someone else that uses granular ferts might know better. I use water soluble through a drip system.
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    My Garden

    Nice looking plants, is the Jerusalem cherry a perennial? Are you going to put the cantaloupe in the ground or grow in a container?
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    Getting Ready To Start My 2011 Veggie Garden Need Some Advise.

    IgrowUgrow, like the blueprint of the garden. Don't know how big your tiller is but it's iffy to use one that close to plants one slip and you will chew them plants up Lol. Using the newspaper is a good idea but its hard to keep down, thats why I prefer cardboard. If u use cardboard or...
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    Need Help! What Is This Plant?

    If it is a pepper plant the only thing you will be able to identify by the flowers is what species it it. You will not be able to tell the variety. How many different types of pepper seeds did you plant?
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    Hot Peppers?

    ledgrowing, your seeds have been shipped. Wishbuilder, are you worried about someone getting injured just by touching your plant or maybe they might take a pepper and eat it?
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    Hot Peppers?

    You won't find the taste of the 5-color to be all that good but it is an awesome looking plant. It grows tall and slender, not bushy at all so you don't have to worry too much about spacing. Dale
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    Hot Peppers?

    Sent you a PM.
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    Hot Peppers?

    Actually there is no external capsaicin on any pepper. So you can handle all of them regardless of there potency. There has to be an opening in the skin of the fruit for you to feel the heat. The Trinidad Scorpion is a million scovilles. The 7-Pot and the Naga Morich are also 1 million...