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  1. G

    humidity testing

    can anyone point me to some humidity tests where the plant was grown in low humidity?any info people might have on low humidity soil growing would be great.
  2. G

    Free Tricks To Increase Yields.

    ok so ive been in the construction biz for23 yrs and i would like to add a few things.Natural gas will kill you dont be fooled into thinking that it cant,however it can be controlled very easy.Exhaust you vent into your room sure but what you have to be sure about is that it is exhausting and...
  3. G


    making the bed is easy,you want it 5 feet wide and 20 feet long or equvilent depending on your room size.youll need about 6 pieces of plywood 30 or so 2by4s 4 drains and some pvc,the whole deal cost about 200 bucks build the box 12 in deep place your drains dead center every five feetplant your...
  4. G

    should I foilage feed during flowering? +rep

    i got to say somthing;foiliar feeding does have its benefits,if you do it right,and it can be benificial in both veg and flower.As the plant gets older its roots do not obsorb nuets as well as it once did,this is where foiliar feeding can come in handy the plant will osorb nuets through its stem...
  5. G


    im a little confused you say you are pulling less than a pound a light,your useing 8 lights,with the method i explained(kinda like an sog) you can pull 2 lbs a light,thats double what your pulling now with the same light.,if you have beds vs pots,in a room as large as yours,you can double the...
  6. G


    one more piece of info about soil;microbes.soil contains micro organisms that basically eat it,these microbes produce byproducts that are benificial to the uptake and obsorbsion of amino acids by the plant.they are only found in soiland im sorry to say but these microbes make the difference and...
  7. G


    ok this is a nice set however think of this instead of pots how about raised beds and instead of growing 56 plants grow 130,your lights are more than eneough to grow 180 plants yes you will have to spend more on nuets but your yield will be arround 2 lbs a light,as it is you have more light...
  8. G

    My Super Grow Room

    this is definately a nice looking set but 13000 thats a lot i could build a simular set uo for 6 grand
  9. G


    look 2lbs a light 10 lights 3 yr old soil tripple a grade dank buds every 6-8 weeks whats up with that its perpetual and fruitful cost about 1500 hundo a grow with nuets and electric and thats cali elec prices high as hell other states knock this down to 700 a grow cuz there elec is cheaper.and...
  10. G


    japanfreak huh.ive seen a lot of your post man all you really do is rip on people every one is an etard or parrott but you huh,maybe if you grew good pot and smoked it it would mellow you out,here in the states there are several dozen cannibis cups,it just so happens holland has one too,if your...
  11. G

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    this is cool i run a simular system only in soil and my veg is 4 weeks instead of 3
  12. G


    I say these plants look good but how old are they?6 months a year they sure arnt on a 60 day grow,ont thing i noticed in these pics that i like and thats the cfls under the plant good idea
  13. G


    hydro can be cool sure and your ph is sound i just prefer soil,but tell me this,what do you think about 2lbs per light with soil that is 3 yrs old,can you do that with hydro,how about this 18 foot tall plants producing 8 lbs per plant with stalks 9 inches in diamiter,wheres your hydro in this...
  14. G


    ive got to get down on this for a min.I have nothing personal againts hydro but my soil grown weed will smoke it however this is a great debate hydro vs soil,just ask your self this what does this plant grow in,in its natural state;soil, i prefer soil and for a new grower unless you have been...