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  1. A

    Preflower under veg?

    Hey all, and Happy Holidays! Wondering if anyone has any insight here. Hopefully these post in order of attachment. Gracie is my gracie slick clone - she is showing preflowers Baghag and wrus2 are white russian clones - also showing preflowers All these plants are under 18/6, I did have a...
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    Accidental light flip!

    I've never had my meds turn on me, but I did lose power one time on an all hydro vegetable garden and everything started flowering on me after that one time so I was trippin about my moms doin the same to me lol Thanks for the replies guys, put me to rest a little :mrgreen:
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    Accidental light flip!

    First post here guys, had an issue this morning. My ballast died on my moms this morn and it just happens when I discovered this it had been 12 hours from off time until i got light back on them. Am I screwed? Everything is back to normal but I feel like im done for for some reason lol.