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  1. T

    Help! Plants dying fast!! Light burn, nute burn, something else?

    JUST had the same exact problem my friend. Do what Kingofqueens said: Flush it with pH corrected water, let them recover a bit and then transplant them to bigger pots.
  2. T

    Possible nute burn?

    Looks like no one is showing any interest here..but to those having similiar problems it turned out to be the pH. Plants are looking much healthier and very perky/dark. Yellowing has stopped also. I will post pics if anyone is interested..but again it looks like no one cares so ;)
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    Possible nute burn?

    Checked the pH level of the water I use to fee and it was 8.2!! Re adjusted and re-watered the plants (soil was dry to about 4 inches). Runoff water was pH 6.2-6.5. I also noticed while probing in the dirt lots of roots. Initially I didnt really care for this grow, so I planted the remaining...
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    Possible nute burn?

    Alright so basically just wait it out? Shame..they were doing fine until a few days ago. I left town for about 3 days and watered perhaps a little too much before and after the trip. And the only problem I have with waiting it out is: What if it isnt just overwatering? Should I change the soil...
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    Possible nute burn?

    Alright, so I woke up today and they seem to have gotten worse. Humidity at 50-60% Brown spotting and crispness on all leaves. Yellow and even some copper discoloration. (Like my second picture in the first post) You say its moisture stress....I can stop watering and let them dry but any...
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    Possible nute burn?

    @glasspipes420 I already stated in my first post its on a good watering schedule. Distilled water (bought) every 3 or so days.
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    Possible nute burn?

    Hi all, just joined the forums after lurking for a year or two. Too lazy to join;) Anyway, ive been growing for a few years and have heard the bad rap on MG soil. So, I figured i'd give it a grow myself. Its been about 4 weeks and my plants (7 of them left) are about 7-8 inches tall. They...