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  1. N

    HIGH TIMES 2011 MEDICAL CANNABIS CUP coming to Detroit.

    hope paperwork is ok. still waiting on new card,been a long twenty days.
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    I Hate Cloning

    Ive been using a DIY aero-bubble tote for about three months and havent lost a clone yet. Heater set at 72 degrees. I use recomended dose on clonex bottle for three days and a tsp per gallon of super-thrive after that and transplant in a week with 11 inch roots. Had good luck with rapid rooters...
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    90 degrees and rising HELP! 3600 watt grow room!

    u may have to invest in sealed reflecters so u can exaust the heat from the bulbs,with their own fan and ducting. Or enclose the ones u have already since six more would b expensive.If he knew u were tying them together he should have given u air cooled. can u get rid of the charcoal filter for now?
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    sooooo legally high rite now !!!!!!

    sooooo legally high rite now !!!!!!
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    Mailed M.O on 4/5, When should it arrive at attitude?

    mine arrived in 5 days with the shirt. but i used green dot debit
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    OK, to re-use soil?

    i was told that if used rite away it would increase the chances of root rot and the ph would be harder to keep down. i think im gonna try and mix with fresh and 6-month for the greenhouse. after i rinse it,got trashcans full lined up in garage waiting for weather and what the law is gonna allow...
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    Is it normal to get panic attacks when smoking marujuna?

    My nephew only smokes indicas cause now he swore sativas made them worse, sensi star is what he gets all the times,id hate to see any body quit
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    What are your tricks for adding a nice sticky sweetness to your grow?

    As soon as the pistols turn and i stop nutes I mix 10 tblsp of sugar beet molasses in a 5 gallon bucket of warm water.Pour entire 5 gal thru 3 gal pot.I also put in darkness 24 hours before i cut the stalk.
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    closed environment growroom

    my room is always dry now. ever since i added the heater.figured if it got hotter in the summer the co2 would help but it never got over 78 all summer with cheap and partial insulation. flowering rooms lights come on at 4pm and shut off at 5pm on a reverse cycle keeps room temps fairly constant...
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    closed environment growroom

    thanx shrubs thats a nice set up and good info.still need to get co2 generater but im almost ready. not sure which one to get.we added more patients and had to expand dont want to do it twice
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    closed environment growroom

    Any body grow using a room set up this way? Living in michigan where heating the room costs alot it seemed easier to control temp and everything else on a closed loop. If anyone has tried this i would appreciate any advice you had to offer.