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  1. sassygardner

    Harvest scheduled for Jan 15th...Serious Seeds

    I slacked with taking pics before harvest. We seem to be getting about 2 1/4 - 2 1/2 per plan. When we harvest we flush for two weeks and then don't water the day before. Before we cut them down we remove the fan leaves. We then cut the entire plant off together and hang upside down so that we...
  2. sassygardner

    To Lollipop or not??

    They are looking nice and leafy. Keep in mind that if too much green is cut off then the plant spends most of its energy making up for the lost leaves. This can add a few days to your flower time. Indica varieties are better when they get bushy. I have had them so thick that we named them...
  3. sassygardner

    6th grow - White Widow, Pineapple Chunk, Skunk

    Opps! I didn't realize that we were supposed to set up on of these bad boys. :blsmoke: I still don't know if I'm doing it right or not as I seem to already be getting feedback in my journal. hmmm...:joint: I welcome any comments/suggestions... Click on the pick for my reefer madness. ->
  4. sassygardner

    Harvest scheduled for Jan 15th...Serious Seeds

    We concluded that one of our mystery plants is a she is at harvest.
  5. sassygardner

    How should I finish her off? a YOU DECIDE POLL!

    We flush with water during our last 2 weeks. We leach the leaves by spraying them twice a week. Personally, we have found that this rid the bud of any chemical taste and allows the natural taste and aroma to reach its full potential.
  6. sassygardner

    So 2012 Is Only A Year Away!!!

    Okay, so I gave Catholicism for lent but the Crusades and the like used religion as an excuse to expand their kingdoms. Many of the chieftans in what is now known as Europe adopted Christianity as a way to gain "recognition" for the legitimate ruling (i.e. if they converted the church supported...
  7. sassygardner

    So 2012 Is Only A Year Away!!!

    I like the way you think...I see you thought it through...lmao!
  8. sassygardner

    Did you start a grow journal in the forum yet? I would cut and paste your intro post into a grow...

    Did you start a grow journal in the forum yet? I would cut and paste your intro post into a grow journal. You will get a ton of help. I am no expert but I am on my 6th grow (indoor)...averaging 2-3 oz per plant. Off the top of my head, I would recommend not responding too quickly to the WW and...
  9. sassygardner

    Harvest scheduled for Jan 15th...Serious Seeds

    We are growing them under 1000HPS Temp: 82-83 We run to exhaust fans and two 10" fans inside of the room for circulation Here are a few more of my others. I lost the paper identifying the's some where. I know. My husband isn't very happy... This I know is Pineapple Chunk: The...
  10. sassygardner

    Harvest scheduled for Jan 15th...Serious Seeds

    They are very sticky. The 'grab' us when we walk through the room.
  11. sassygardner

    Harvest scheduled for Jan 15th...Serious Seeds

    Sorry! I was slack'n and had to take some new pics...
  12. sassygardner

    Harvest scheduled for Jan 15th...Serious Seeds

    Here are a few of the White far one of my favorites! Very green and lush grow and a GREAT smoke!
  13. sassygardner

    Harvest scheduled for Jan 15th...Serious Seeds

    Hubby and I are on our 6th grow. We started off oh so humbly and over the past 1 and a half have grown beyond our initial humble plans. By no means an expert, I am a proud momma of my girls. For this grow we have White Widow, Northern Lights x Skunk, and Pineapple Chunk. As luck would have it...
  14. sassygardner

    Welcome New Members!

    Hey all! I was just approved for patient use of cannabis for chronic pain. What a relief, I'm actually legit. I never thought I would see the day but as it stands hubby and I are both patients and are our own caretakers. We are on our 6th(ish) grow and have increased our harvest from a skimpy...