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  1. D

    Week 1 - Day 1 (Pics)

    Two mids seed's just popped. Im using 1 23 watt 6500k and 1 20 watt 4100k 2ft tube for now, how long do you think i can use them? Tell me what you think, I'll post every Tuesday. Pics Here
  2. D

    Whiskey N Weed

    Just took 4 shots of canadian whiskey, smoked some ok mids, then some dirt, then some awesome mids better than the ok mids. Im pretty ok. Then i took 4 more and im bout to toke a doobie.
  3. D

    Are These Ok?

    4 23 watt 6500k cfl 4 23 watt 4100k cfl 4 23 watt 2700k cfl How many could i Veg and Flower with this? Im guessing :leaf: for sure, maybe :leaf::leaf:.
  4. D

    Whiskey N Weed

    Sup? Im wasted, bout to eat some cheesy rice, then drink, then toke
  5. D

    Will Any Of This Work?

    I still have 8x 23 watt cfl's, 4x 2700 and 4x 6500 just gotta get them back from mom without rasing suspicion, gave um to her when i quit the last time. I found the cfls to be ok i was doing 2 under almost 24 and got around a foot tall with thick healthy stems was at the second set of 7 in 3-4...
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    Will Any Of This Work?

    Thanks to you both. On 12/12 whats a reasonable finish time? I keep reading some people say i makes no difference and some say it's a month or more faster.
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    Will Any Of This Work?

    And also will the nutes be ok? I do have 2x 14 watt 2700k cfls, would they make any difference?
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    Will Any Of This Work?

    I know there not ideal but will it work with some results?
  9. D

    Will Any Of This Work?

    I've vegged a few times but have never been able to finish due to my mom finding my babies, but i've moved out and have just recently got some things. Ok so i have 3 cool white 4100k fluro lights, 2x 32watt round 12 inch tubes and 1x 20watt 2 ft tube. Plus MG Houseplant Food 8-7-6 & MG...