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  1. lokipor

    need help with heat problem

    i've got a 5x10 grow room with 7 foot ceiling, two 600w air cooled lights with reflectors and am having a hell of a time getting the temps below 85 at the top of the plants but no matter what i do all the girls are drying up and losing their fan leaves, first the leaves get yellow spots that...
  2. lokipor


    anyone know the acceptable ppm of chloride in the water i just looked up the local water report for my area and it not only contains chlorine but also has chloride and i read somewhere that chloride doesn't evaporate like chlorine.
  3. lokipor

    need advice taking clones

    plants are 22 days into flowering, clones were taken 4 weeks ago and they all are dying or dead, I know what happened to them my fault never should have left them for four days, short costly vacation. My question is can you take clones from flowering plants?
  4. lokipor

    When to start 12-12 for max yeild? what height for sog?

    i also have two 600 watt hps in a 50 square foot area I perpetual grow so when one crop is done the next is ready to flower i veg under 320 watts of flor. in six inch pots so when they are ready to put into flowering they are allready 15 to 18 inch high i then transplant them into 7 gal bags...
  5. lokipor

    cloning from fan leaves

    Anyone ever cloned a fan leaf and if so what was the outcome, did it successfully start a new plant and what was the harvest like?
  6. lokipor

    12-12 from Clones?

    thanks for the input i've got 8 in flower now and 24 clones ready to transplant so i'll probably just veg them till the others are done and then go straight to 12-12
  7. lokipor

    12-12 from Clones?

    not really room is 5.5x10.5 and 7 feet tall lights are 2 600 w hps with 20x24 inch forced air reflectors and 460cfm in line fan
  8. lokipor

    12-12 from Clones?

    been reading about 12-12 growing and can see a lot of up side but was wondering if it could be done from clones?
  9. lokipor

    Transplanting after Flowering Stage has Begun

    i am growing in 4 gal pots under a 600 watt system the plant is, from the bottom of the pot to the top of the plant 3.5 feet high and the drain holes are full of roots so i am pretty sure that it is root bound my question is should i transplant into 7 gal grow bags and if i do what are the...
  10. lokipor

    600w hps and mh coverage

    how many plants can i grow under one 600 watt mph lighting system? I have a grow light glass encased 6 inch exhaust cooled reflector and a seven foot ceiling and was wondering how many plants in 4 gallon pots could i grow with optium yield
  11. lokipor

    mircale grow nightmare

    used mircale grow for my first grow and had all kinds of problems from spotted leaves to fungus gnats to in the end 3 of my four plants turned hermi 2 weeks from harvest. my question is what is the best sterile planting mix and where can i get it.
  12. lokipor

    help hermi's in last week of flowering

    thanks ; gotta go get the shears.
  13. lokipor

    help hermi's in last week of flowering

    first time grow and have no had 4 healthy beautiful plants about 5 feet tall and really full of buds only a week left before harvest and this morning i notice all four a starting to sprout pollen sacs in the middle of the cola buds. some are showing signs of seeds allready. my question is not...