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  1. B

    WTF are these little things???? PLEASE HELP!!!

    thanks for the replies. Tigerswood: I'm pretty sure they are not thrips, because I can definitely see legs and antenas/long front legs. The product you recommended looks pretty similar to the one I'm using. Tomato: there is a little cat damage, but I am 100% sure that some of these marks...
  2. B

    WTF are these little things???? PLEASE HELP!!!

    These are the photos of the damage. I don't think you can see any of the mite things in the soil but you might be able to.. Please help!!! They are still crawling around, thousands of them. The insect and mite killer might not be working??
  3. B

    WTF are these little things???? PLEASE HELP!!!

    heres a link to the stuff I'm using, which seems to be slowing them down, but not completely exterminating them.
  4. B

    WTF are these little things???? PLEASE HELP!!!

    Hi there First of all, I'm a complete noob at growing weed. I have talked to several people and done some research and this is the set up I'm using: *Unknown seed type (it was in the bag of weed I got once) *Once germinated, I plant the seed in a Jiffy Pellet, and then when the roots...