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  1. stupidlegs13

    Super Pink Pheno!!

    hells ya! thats how i got that pink color.
  2. stupidlegs13

    Pitched a tent over her (kinda)

    or poke carefully placed holes in it for drainage. and I hope a ripper doesn't come through. they WILL see that
  3. stupidlegs13

    Super Pink Pheno!!

    i planted mid grade seeds that have the same color hairs. where abouts are ya growing?
  4. stupidlegs13

    Flushing with Sulfur Water?

    My research has been inconclusive to my question.
  5. stupidlegs13

    Flushing with Sulfur Water?

    no I havnt been using that water the whole time I have found other water for the grow. the problem is I need so much at one time I'm going to have to use the tap. I don't know how sulfur affects plants at all....
  6. stupidlegs13

    Flushing with Sulfur Water?

    so my only water source for my grow op is well water that had a mild amount of sulfer in it. its time to flush and I want to know if flushing with the sulfer water will affect the smoke. any input is much appreciated
  7. stupidlegs13

    Ready to Harvest?

    what kind of seeds are those? they look alot like on of my bag seeds that is growing really dank
  8. stupidlegs13

    5 Weeks from 12/12

    it happens sometimes. nothing to worry about. just out of curiosity, did you take these pictures when your lights were off?
  9. stupidlegs13

    New Arizona Medical Grower

    looks like a good set up. I would try not to use ceramic pots though. the single hole is not efficient enough drainage. plus its good to be able to feel the water weight.
  10. stupidlegs13

    What the Hell?

    They hungry
  11. stupidlegs13

    flowerbed help

    12 12 from seed and top them early.
  12. stupidlegs13

    seedlings on 12\12

    i'm planning on switching back to 18\4 once my buds are done on my other plants.
  13. stupidlegs13

    seedlings on 12\12

    What are the advantages/disadvantages of starting bag seeds on a 12\12 time? my thinking is it will develop a strong root system.... what do you think?
  14. stupidlegs13

    commercial seeds....

    I got a bunch of mid grade seeds (aka Mexican pot.) I was wondering if i could get any input on how these grow and if anyone knows something about their genetics. indica or sativa?
  15. stupidlegs13

    criags list

    that's a very good idea....
  16. stupidlegs13

    criags list

    I am not sure where to put this thread... I am on the hunt for a cheap light for a closet grow. I came across some things on craigs list like an entire grow cab with nutes, 400w light, timers .... everything. I wanted to get some other opinions on if you think it is safe to buy something like...
  17. stupidlegs13

    My Clone From Leaf Experiment

    I just dipped this in rooting hormone and put it in there the other day. we will see....
  18. stupidlegs13

    Stupid's bugbet grow.

    I started my grow with 2 bag seeds when my friend said I could try it at his house. only one of the seeds sprouted and its a girl! The lights have been on 12/12 for 3 weeks now. I have been constantly upgrading my light set up. I currently have a 5 bulb set up with 60 watt grow bulbs from...
  19. stupidlegs13

    PC Fan + Respirator filter = works lol

    does anyone know how well it would work if i used charcoal from a wood stove in a carbon filter system?
  20. stupidlegs13

    Co2 making

    i just tried the sugar water and yeast method on my first grow. so far i have noticed major growth.