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  1. H


    tbh ive only had this problem since switching to female seeds and they have always been the free beans given with an order,they germinated ok but quite slow,im thinking genetics as i just grew 3 sugar babes and they grew perfect,nice big calyxs,but on my blueberry gum and kandy kush "fems" the...
  2. H

    why do you get high, please share, get it off your chest man youll feel better

    well if ya gotta go, go out with a joint but if you smoked it first the bridge thing wouldnt have been a thought at all!lol cannabis physcology 101;)
  3. H


    im not an absolute beginner but i guess you could call me a slow leaner:-P,anyhoo something is bugging me about my last two grows since moving into the loft,previously in grows that i did in my outside shed i noticed in alot of the plants i grew that the calyx size was always quite large and...
  4. H

    the cops show up 3 weeks before harvest

    im thinking pot should be illegal if your an example of a pot smoker or are you just trolling again!i bet your friends are out alot,do they possibly make excuses to go when you turn up,as for the administrators doing their job,at least they are doing something productive with their time,have a...
  5. H

    overwatering maybe or too much nutrients help??

    nice one brownbear your chart plus added advice nailed the problem down and made me aware of something that previously i was guilty of taking for granted,ph will be measured all the way as i should have done from now on and il also grab a soil ph tester to keep things properly in check,i...
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    Harvesting Soon

    going purely by the numerous amber coloured trichs id say you are bang on the money with flushing now as those trichs look like you will get a nice couch lock as they outnumbered either the milky or clear if any,my sugar babes are just behind yours at day 46 flowering and already i have quite a...
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    overwatering maybe or too much nutrients help??

    not long now guys:),after flushing with canna flush then distilled water the run off was 6.8 after buying a digital ph tester already:) and since the leaves havent got any worse,alot suffered terminal damage i feel but i think they should cope now with the little time they have left,i have...
  8. H

    ppp plant flowering issue maybe?

    ya not kidding purple they look like they were grown from 5 different gardens,the genetics were bad also as two plants didnt fill out/swell and ended up mature but fluffy with no wait and tbh quite pathetic looking but they stoved me in the same:) ppp certainly mashes your head for a good...
  9. H

    overwatering maybe or too much nutrients help??

    cheers brownbear for the tips as i have done the ph and found it to be very wrong so am adjusting now and they have not got worse since so fingers crossed,il update with pics when they turn the corner hopefully,thanks again bear!great advice
  10. H

    Run Off Color Not Good

    #wiseguy if i knew as much as you obviously do then i wouldnt feel the need to ask,thus i dont which is why i did,for someone that smokes you need to chill a bit more,i assume people as questions ie,forum i thought that might be a problem colour so asked?jeez?anyway lucifer i flushed with 10...
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    Run Off Color Not Good

    hi,just a quick question on the colour of the run off i had when flushing my plants due to an issue with nutes,the colour of the run-off was the same as it is when i mix the biobizz to feed?does that mean way to much nute build up,first grow so help needed please:eyesmoke:
  12. H

    overwatering maybe or too much nutrients help??

    pic 1&2 are from the same plant but the other is showing the same symptons just not so severe,pic 3 is a leaf from halfway up the plant that grew from the bud site that shows the yellow/red/purple shades and slight burning also,pic 4 just shows the worse affected leaf up close and looks very...
  13. H

    overwatering maybe or too much nutrients help??

    ok thanks for the help so far as going by what was said by brownbear i think its either nutrient lockout due to ph because even after changing to the bloom mix i added a little extra grow formula purely to help the leaves so maybe i over nuted causing lockout.i will go take some pics now and...
  14. H

    overwatering maybe or too much nutrients help??

    hi everyone,im growing 3 sugar babe plants which have grown brilliantly until a week ago when i started to notice ALL the big fan leaves going yellow followed by the smaller important leaves coming from the bud sites,i noticed that the main top fan leaves have a redish tint to them ontop of the...
  15. H

    ppp plant flowering issue maybe?

    hi all!hope ya grows are all going good:) im growing 5x paradise seeds ppp and they all are or seem to be coming all nicely,only problem...well two in fact is that they all look COMPLETELY different,one has buds that are shaped like long thin triangles,one looks like northern lights,another like...