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  1. C

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Stink shut it down. His version is Sheepfarmer screwed everything up. Other people's version is Stink shut it down to make sure info could only be found in his book. You be the judge of what you want to believe. Bottom line is, since Stink shut it down without warning, nobody could recover their...
  2. C

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Guys on Stinkbuddies we're taking soil rooted clones and washing them off to put in collars with no ill effect. If you we're popping from seed, maybe you could give it a few weeks in soil to get going before moving it. Personally, I always start them in soil and take cuttings when it's time to...
  3. C

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    I havn't tried this way myself, but one of the former stinkbuddies put a layer of cloth in the cup so it formed a pouch and germinated that way. He let them get a long enouh tap root that he could put them in the collar and let them grow from there.
  4. C

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Collisto, as you said yourself, you we're not on Stinkbuddies so you don't know what was going on over there. Although a few people seem to have a legitimate grudge against stinkbud. It's far fewer than you think. You have to realize all of us lost out when he shut down the forum. So much good...
  5. C

    Let me see if I got this straight...

    Growone is correct. They originally kept anyone from possessing ganja by requiring a tax stamp that was never issued. Now it's a matter of it being a super dangerous drug worthy of being on the Schedule one narcotics list. LOL
  6. C

    cops took my plants!

    You didn't say where you lived titobhoy but if you we're growing illegal, I doubt you've heard the last of it. I know a guy who's house got raided while he was away and the warrant for his arrest was issued six months later. If I was you, I'd go see a lawyer NOW!!!!!! At the very least pick one...
  7. C

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Well Said Super
  8. C

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    I've never had a real beef with you Stink other than the fact that you tended to stay silent when other people had complaints. This is a perfect example here. So many members we're already pissed off over Sheepfarmer and her bullshit. (BTW, I can tell you without a doubt, there was plenty of...
  9. C

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    SuperStoner was in my opinion, far more helpful that Stink ever was. He refined everything about the Stink system into a smooth running machine. Stink should have been learning from him, not the other way around.
  10. C

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    I quit using the rail system because you pretty much needed to maintain it twenty four seven. One pump problem and you could lose everything that pump ran. To tell you the truth. Once you know and dial in your strains, it doesn't matter to much if it's dirt, hydro, aero. They all pretty much...
  11. C

    Harvest a Pound Every Three Weeks!

    Alot of us used to donate to keep Stinkbuddies running. I'm sure none of us do now though since Stinkbuddies when to shit. I don't entirely blame stink for it going to shit, we all know the little bitch sheep killed that site with her power hungry ways. Maybe she told Stink that DVD sales we're...
  12. C

    Enter The Scrog/Scroggers United Post Page

    Wow, I had some interest in Scrog so I looked at a few threads about it. Then came upon this thread and it's 1,200 posts and it answered every single question I had as well as a few questions I didn't even think of yet. Props to all of you including the Woodman himself and I look forward to...