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  1. C

    Problems with my plants please somone help

    what is your temp and humidity? At this stage temp should be 73 degrees and humidity at 60%. Also are you sure about the pH? The rust color on the leafs look like nute lockout
  2. C

    When to flower

    I have the SuperCloset SuperCube and I started flowering my girls at 8 inches ...worked out real well. You could tie those other plants down or jog them until the others catch up
  3. C

    Vape anyone? Looking to buy..

    Vaporite! bought one at tradeshow for $50 works great!!
  4. C

    Deep water culture only thread

    Nice club ya got here pledge is with the SuperPonics-16 in my Cube...O2 at the roots... CO2 at the leaves!!