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  1. D


    I currently have 18 big Buddha blue cheese seeds growing they are about 2 inches tall I only need 8 but I do a few more to get the best of the bunch , I'm about to set up 8 15 ltr air pot 60/40 coco pebble mix with a 24 topspin dripper system to feed with 2 600 w cooltube with digital ballast...
  2. D


    Could I just grow straight through the net and start training straight away as to reduce height ( the 8 inches you said ) as height is a problem , thanks for the reply
  3. D


    Because of height issues, I'm looking to do a scrog and was wondering if the net could be placed directly on top of pots 8off in a 2m x 1m space give or take a few inches only have 1.5 meters of head room . Advice on the draw back of this would be much appreciated.
  4. D

    new to the site need help to start a journal of sorts PLEASE help

    currently have 11 barneys farm liberty haze growing 3 weeks into flower would like to share some pics but dont know and where to start , advice would be appreciated thanks.
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    Welcome New Members!

    I'm new to this and have never posted or made a journel, please can you help me get started using this site? Thanks