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  1. fourtwentyish

    Not sure what is wrong, only 1 girl having problem.

    There are gnats that came with the soil, they must be the culprit I guess. I'll get some sticky strips today. Thanks for the input.
  2. fourtwentyish

    Not sure what is wrong, only 1 girl having problem.

    So I have 2 plants going, same set up, same soil, same watering, same everything. I have not added any nutes yet. Both are still growing at a reasonable speed, neither is stunted. One has lots of yellowing and leaves are getting brittle. Not sure what the problem is after a bit of looking...
  3. fourtwentyish

    180w Blackstar LED in GL60 tent Organic soil (First grow)

    Mixed in a little molasses when I watered them yesterday. Still haven't given them any nutrients at all. I swapped out the cfl I had with a 200w equivalent. I have no idea what the coloring on the leaves of the small plant are from. The big plant still has a couple yellow tips but it doesn't...
  4. fourtwentyish

    180w Blackstar LED in GL60 tent Organic soil (First grow)

    Well I watered them and checked the pH. It was between 6 and 7 on both plants. Really close to 6 on one maybe 6.1 or so. The other was more like 6.4 or 6.5. The smaller one is starting to have some discoloration as well. I'll get pics posted shortly.
  5. fourtwentyish

    180w Blackstar LED in GL60 tent Organic soil (First grow)

    After doing a thinking on it for a bit and doing a bit more research I thought it might be this also. My pH meter doesn't work to well unless the soil is really damp though so I will have to wait till my next watering to check. Should be in the next day or two.
  6. fourtwentyish

    180w Blackstar LED in GL60 tent Organic soil (First grow)

    That is weird since all I have been feeding them is fresh aerated distilled water. I just added some more soil to the top but I wouldn't think that would cause burn. I will have to keep an eye on them. It is still just the one plant but I just checked on them and it seems to have gotten a...
  7. fourtwentyish

    180w Blackstar LED in GL60 tent Organic soil (First grow)

    Just went to check and get pics of the LST actually in the pic. The above pics are from when I took the original off before I put it back on. When I was checking them, I noticed the tips of some of the lower leaves were turning yellow/brown. I am thinking it may be from them not getting as...
  8. fourtwentyish

    180w Blackstar LED in GL60 tent Organic soil (First grow)

    They are doing great. I undid the original LST line and waited till it was tall enough to lay all the way over to the edge of the bucket to do it again. The other one is still a few days away from LST itself though.
  9. fourtwentyish

    180w Blackstar LED in GL60 tent Organic soil (First grow)

    Yeah I still plan on using it, I am just waiting for flowering cycle to begin. Thanks for the info, makes me feel more comfortable using it.
  10. fourtwentyish

    180w Blackstar LED in GL60 tent Organic soil (First grow)

    Picture update... One of the girls is big enough that I started LST on her tonight. The other one will get the same treatment when she is big enough.
  11. fourtwentyish

    180w Blackstar LED in GL60 tent Organic soil (First grow)

    Thanks for stopping by! I didn't actually use the molasses in the beginning just bought them for the flowering. I believe there were multiple reasons for the stunted growth. I think I have taken care of them now though thankfully.
  12. fourtwentyish

    180w Blackstar LED in GL60 tent Organic soil (First grow)

    The larger one is doing great, the smaller one was looking great but is a little droopy right now. Not sure what the problem is, I don't think it is over watering. My moisture meter shows it being pretty dry. I'll keep an eye on her and see how she does.
  13. fourtwentyish

    180w Blackstar LED in GL60 tent Organic soil (First grow)

    Thanks for the info. Changing the height of the light, among other things I changed seems to have helped tremendously. It is nice to hear about it smoking the other lights. I did a bit of research on it before I got it but didn't see the vids you refer to. Thanks for popping in.
  14. fourtwentyish

    180w Blackstar LED in GL60 tent Organic soil (First grow)

    Just a little update to show size. These are from last night. The girls are finally growing to where there is noticeable growth every day. I am happy with the progress even if it took a while to get em going.
  15. fourtwentyish

    180w Blackstar LED in GL60 tent Organic soil (First grow)

    Both girls are looking much better. One is still going a little slow since it doesn't have as much leafage to absorb light. The other is growing like a weed :D. I'll probably post some more pics tomorrow.
  16. fourtwentyish

    Wisconsin Revolt

    Power to the people! The economy is bs monopoly banker money that doesn't really exist. Fascism is designed to fail eventually, it can not last forever.
  17. fourtwentyish

    180w Blackstar LED in GL60 tent Organic soil (First grow)

    Here is a little update with some pics. The one that has looked the best all along, is looking pretty good, she is growing well. The other is hanging in there but not looking the greatest. Hopefully with the recent changes she will pull through. Some of the pics are from the day that I...
  18. fourtwentyish

    180w Blackstar LED in GL60 tent Organic soil (First grow)

    Sounds logical to me. Since transplanting to larger buckets, the plants are further apart now so I had to raise the light a bit so they both got coverage anyway. Hopefully that will help. Thanks for the help!