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    How much longer till chop?! Jack frost (jack herer x white widow x NL #5)

    Thanks for the advice, i really appreciate it and it sounds like you know your grow shit....i am most likely going to do just that but i was wondering about one part of the final process...when you say 'shocking a plant' do u mean just the flush?....cause i feel like the green in the leaf isnt...

    Want to Know If Your Plants are Finished?

    Wahsgood y'all! Got this fine bitch on my hands... Jack Frost (Jack herer x white widow x NL #5) and was wondering when i could chop? i'm coming up on 10 weeks but the top cola doesnt seem quite ready (i thought it matured first?!) itchin to chop this bitch but every day i still see...

    How much longer till chop?! Jack frost (jack herer x white widow x NL #5)

    i know its only been a day or two but here's another pic of the top cola in the darknezz...i havent dried and cured yet but i live in cali and dont think ive seen bud quite like this...ever. Ledhed thanks for the props man, ive been babying this bitch for months like a psychopath but i think...

    How much longer till chop?! Jack frost (jack herer x white widow x NL #5)

    yeah thats kinda what i was thinking...should i leave it in 24-48hrs of dark before the chop? i heard that it helps with the white strains...input?

    How much longer till chop?! Jack frost (jack herer x white widow x NL #5)

    Wasgood y'all my lady is 60 days flowering now and i was wonderin when i should chop? its my first grow and i am totally stoked on it. Gnarly sativa delaying my next OG cycle! :leaf: ...let me know what you think!