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  1. Blueberrytoker

    Check this out!!

    there lookin great man, how long u had them babys under the 125w?
  2. Blueberrytoker

    electrical question

    i think youll be fine man i had 2 fans a 400w hps and a water pump running of an extension and ive had no probs at all, just get urself a decent extension and check it regular, id also cut it down to the length u need as when the cables all coiled together it tends 2 conduct more heat good luck man
  3. Blueberrytoker


    ok mate thankyou
  4. Blueberrytoker


    what so you think i should turn them on now or just leave them off 4 the day, i just thought if i turned them on now they might go in2 flower?? cheers
  5. Blueberrytoker


    basically peeps ive bin turning my grow room on and off myself by a switch in my bedroom cus my timer broke on me, so ive bin gettin up at 6 and flickin the switch then gtin bak in bed, but last night i got smashed and forgot 2 get up this mornin so my lights are off and im not sure wat 2 do...
  6. Blueberrytoker

    is this safe??

    haha, im a bit worried about it already becaus if any1 came in my bedroom they'd c the extension plugged in, luckily it goes behind my wadrobe and then in2 the loft so they wouldnt c it going up there
  7. Blueberrytoker

    is this safe??

    lol will do, nah the loft doesnt have electric, i shud have asked you lot earlier really because if the extension wasnt gunna be safe id have 2 get a electrician round 2 put sum power up there and that means takin down what ive already built and its not far from finished now, it would kill me 2...
  8. Blueberrytoker

    is this safe??

    all thats on my bedroom circuit constantly is my alarm clock and the tv but i can unplug that, im just building the grow room at the minute, but i think im gunna be powering a 400 hps, the pump 4 the resovoir and the intake and outtake fan thanks
  9. Blueberrytoker

    is this safe??

    hows it goin ppl, the question is, will it be safe 2 just run a extension reel from my bedroom sockets up into my loft 2 power my grow room, or am i going 2 burn my house down?? thanks
  10. Blueberrytoker

    recommend me a book

    thanks very much people, massive help, will deffo be buying some of these books! cheers micro i hope so 2!! thanks again, take it easy
  11. Blueberrytoker

    recommend me a book

    thats a lot of books microgrow!!!! which 1 would u says the best for a beginner, without the long words n technical stuff haha
  12. Blueberrytoker

    recommend me a book

    thanks peeps ill check both them out! the more i can learn the better!!
  13. Blueberrytoker

    recommend me a book

    alright evry1, can anyone recommend me a good book for soil growing? cheers, take it easy
  14. Blueberrytoker

    Try to beat this game, its addicting!!

    yeh i got past level 3 n sum freaky bitch pops up on the screen crazy shit!! haha
  15. Blueberrytoker

    what do u think 2 this grow kit??

    thanks very much herbrose, much appreciated, im new 2 this shit so need all the help i can get! thanks take it easy
  16. Blueberrytoker

    what do u think 2 this grow kit??

    ok mate, do u think the mh is a must for vegging or will the hps be ok for now for veg and flower? also have you grown with just a hps and how much better was it when you added the mh?? thanks
  17. Blueberrytoker

    what do u think 2 this grow kit??

    thanks for the reply mate. you know with the switchable ballast, will i also have 2 have a different light fitting for the mh bulb or will the mh bulb fit in2 the hps fitting?? thanks again
  18. Blueberrytoker

    what do u think 2 this grow kit??

    alright people! ive finally found a grow kit that i think is quite decent and a reasonable price. could you all let me know what you think of it any negative points? before i buy it, thanks take it easy Greenfields Hydroponics UK - Atami Wilma 4 Pot Soil Grow Complete Kit
  19. Blueberrytoker

    First harvest ever pics...

    lookin good pal, wat kinda light did u use for just the two plants??
  20. Blueberrytoker

    good, cheap hps light????

    haha i love it 2 mate take it easy