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  1. bubbahaze

    Dankonomics Genetics

    Danko had fire of course it’s worth going through
  2. bubbahaze

    What is ur Breeder Hall of Fame and shame?!

    I heard he disappeared with a lot of people’s money sad this is why I only order with seed banks it’s a shame he ruined his reputation because he had fire plants
  3. bubbahaze

    What is ur Breeder Hall of Fame and shame?!

    Sheesh the bad company’s are getting exposed lol but the early Snow Genetics were fire idk know why the owner dropped off the face of the earth
  4. bubbahaze

    strayfox gardenz #circleofblessings

    Seeds Of Compassion had a killer terpentine Sensi Star, In-house had a good one and Delta 9 Labs had a good one
  5. bubbahaze

    Mr.nice seeds

    Anyone see the latest Soft White Underbelly interview the guy mentions Mr.Nice
  6. bubbahaze

    honest genetics

    Oh sh!t I didn’t know he died
  7. bubbahaze

    Archive seeds restocked @Choice/Attitude

    Get it from Archive then
  8. bubbahaze

    strayfox gardenz #circleofblessings

    Since when does selling out of a product means it ain’t as good lol
  9. bubbahaze

    Strains that have disappeared

    Which k which Kevorkian?
  10. bubbahaze

    Strains that have disappeared

    Yeah different because the guy that had it here was I think from the west coast, he got pinched and there went the kevorkian, from what I heard it was one hitter quitter type weed
  11. bubbahaze

    Strains that have disappeared

    Kevorkian was a Hindu Kush/williams wonder from what I remember
  12. bubbahaze

    Old School Skunk, who's found it???

    The Church is a very berry smelling plant low grade mids, maybe you found the gem
  13. bubbahaze

    Riot Seeds

    Naw CSI got the mendo purps from Notso, now look at how long he’s had and bred to it
  14. bubbahaze

    Riot Seeds

    nspecta and Notso knew each other years b4 Matt came along, have you not listened to the podcast they do
  15. bubbahaze

    Karma Genetics

    lol excuse them for they know not what they speak of, all those guys that talks to him explain why he’s disliked but now I’m hearing Notso robbed people of their hard earned money Shame on you Francis
  16. bubbahaze

    What is ur Breeder Hall of Fame and shame?!

    Im in agreeance with the list but I’ve had no issues with Mass Medical Seeds even though he’s lied about his product, what was the problem with your MMS
  17. bubbahaze

    CSI humboldt thread

    They said it was a male out of the seeds popped
  18. bubbahaze

    Green line organics seed bank

    Not that I recall the original was lemon tree to orange valley og and relentless stopped dealing with him after the cross was made
  19. bubbahaze

    Green line organics seed bank

    Orange tree is lemon tree/orange valley og
  20. bubbahaze

    Green line organics seed bank

    Orange tree/fruity pebbles og