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  1. S

    Accidentally let male into grow room, possible to contain pollen???

    Thank you guys! Dont have any experience with Males, so I was stressed the F out thinking I had a layer of pollen around the entire room!! Really appreciate it.
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    Accidentally let male into grow room, possible to contain pollen???

    Hello!!! I obtained a few seeds and sprouted them and have been growing them for several months along with another batch of clones, so they are pretty big. I just noticed pods formed on the leaves of the plant, identifying it as a Male. It was in the back corner and I did not observe it...
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    Advanced Nutrients Overdrive VS. Atomi Bloombastic

    Sucks that this guy started this thread as a experiment and posted the entire time including pics but never posted final yields and opinions on the differences between the final structure/taste. Seems like a gigantic waste of time. If you ever bother to read this thread again SmokeMedprop215...
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    Tiny Yellow Balls/Eggs on underside of pot near roots - Pics included

    Sorry, I mis-read the post, I didn't realize you were specifically saying they were aphids. Yes, it does appear they can have yellow eggs and they are common enough that it is in all likelyhood them. Roger and will do. Thank you!
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    Tiny Yellow Balls/Eggs on underside of pot near roots - Pics included

    Part of running a successful room is correcting problems before they become un-correctable. This experience is what makes people successful at growing, despite what most people think. Anyone can follow a schedule, but no one can inherently know signs of specific pestilence, and pestilence is the...
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    Tiny Yellow Balls/Eggs on underside of pot near roots - Pics included

    Perhaps the quality of the picture does not do it proper justice, but anyone can see there is clusters of little round yellow balls surrounding the leaf. That clearly implies eggs. Dying leaves decompose but do not extract physica round objects externally attached to the leaf
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    Tiny Yellow Balls/Eggs on underside of pot near roots - Pics included

    Sorry, I forgot to provide the necessary details :) Indoor using coco medium. Up close I cannot see anything to speak of other than they are just really small yellow balls. The first pic was actually using a magnifying glass against my camera to provide some closer view. I must have taken 30...
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    Tiny Yellow Balls/Eggs on underside of pot near roots - Pics included

    Tried that, didnt work. Perhaps identifying will help me gain the experience necessary to destroy these fire-proof eggs.
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    Tiny Yellow Balls/Eggs on underside of pot near roots - Pics included

    I was checking roots today on some of my babies and I lifted a couple pots and found a old dead leaf on the underside of the pot that had these small yellow balls (likely eggs?). I found another similarly infected dead leaf a few inches away on another pot. I checked all of my trays after that...
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    Gad ()%*#)@%*#@ powdery mildew 2 weeks till harvest

    Im also wondering on pH levels w/ greencure. Should it be 8+ for extra alkaline?
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    How to prevent Milk-stains on leaf Please!

    I am in flowering stage and I would think putting liquid dish soap in my bud would be alot worse than milk. What was this big cure? The soap? And yes I did a rinse off the next day. However if you rinse right away it defeats the purpose. I will try a lesser % of milk. Regarding greencure: I...
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    How to prevent Milk-stains on leaf Please!

    Yes, Milk. There's a crapton of information and responses from growers. Everyone seems to have success with it.
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    How to prevent Milk-stains on leaf Please!

    How bad is it to have milk stains/spots then? Im sure the coverage prevents some amount of direct light. I've seen people mention a few tbs of baking powder, but I dont know that that would help this situation.
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    How to prevent Milk-stains on leaf Please!

    I've seen people mention using something with milk as a lubricant. What can I use thats safe to spray during blooming phases? Thanks.
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    Leaf Curl problem - pictures and info included. Does too much CO2 cause curl?

    Thanks. The curl is only happening in bloom. The veg stage they are super happy. The rootbase is really thick so they definitely need watering every 2-3 days. They start to stress out if I do not, its pretty obvious. Bring my PH up to what? And why the 'garden lime' and what precisely is that...
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    Leaf Curl problem - pictures and info included. Does too much CO2 cause curl?

    Hello! I am currently growing LA Conf and master-bubba. Im having a curl issue with the LA. Here is a few examples: & The master-bubba does not exhibit the curl. Example: There is a overall curl on the LA (with one or two plants out of 20 as a exception). I thought perhaps it was...
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    Optimum Canopy Height from 1000w

    I've a couple of 4x4's with a 1000w cooled hood and experienced some bleaching recently. It seems that the plants closer to the 'hot zone' of the lights are exhibiting more stress/curl and bleaching than elsewhere which is more healthy dark green. They are approx 22" from the glass on the hood...
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    CO2 pressure/exaust question + General

    Ah....nothing? :(
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    CO2 pressure/exaust question + General

    Bump! boy this forum is crazy busy :) Any advice!!?!?
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    CO2 pressure/exaust question + General

    Hello! I've recently done some construction and added CO2 to my environment aswell as got everything sealed up. My main question is in regards to optimum CO2 levels, but I have some other things on my mind aswell! Currently My room is about 1000 cubic feet give or take (vaulted ceilings makes...